Dragnet Season 5 Episode 10
Season 5

Ep 10. The Big Laugh

  • November 3, 1955
  • 8.4  (8)

In the fifth season of Dragnet, viewers are taken on another thrilling ride with the LAPD as Detective Sergeant Joe Friday and his partner Officer Frank Smith investigate a new case in every episode. In episode 10, titled "The Big Laugh," the duo is tasked with discovering the person behind a string of deadly practical jokes.

The episode starts with a bang - literally. A man visiting his wife in the hospital is killed when a flower in his lapel explodes, leaving Friday and Smith to figure out who could have set up the lethal prank. As they delve deeper into the case, they uncover more murders, all of which involve seemingly innocent props rigged to explode, electrocute, or otherwise harm their victims.

Despite the gravity of the crimes they investigate, Dragnet's trademark deadpan humor and attention to detail are still present in this episode. Friday and Smith have to navigate complex webs of lies, alibis, and motive, and their interactions with witnesses and suspects are always sharp, incisive, and often funny.

In "The Big Laugh," however, the stakes are higher than ever. The detectives quickly realize that the person behind the deadly jokes is a master prankster who revels in the chaos and fear their actions have caused. As the body count rises, Friday and Smith have to race against the clock to prevent more innocent victims from falling prey to the killer's twisted sense of humor.

The episode shows how the detectives use their experience and intuition to identify potential suspects. They interview hospital staff, the victim's family, and even a clown at a nearby circus. The interviews offer up new clues, and the detectives start narrowing their list of suspects.

As they piece together the puzzle, Friday and Smith's investigation takes them to some unlikely places, including a TV studio where a comedy show is being filmed. The clues lead them into a confrontation with the mastermind behind the deadly jokes that threatens to turn into deadly violence.

"The Big Laugh" is a classic Dragnet episode that showcases the show's signature style and themes. The detectives are dedicated, relentless, and always professional, and their pursuit of justice is unwavering. The episode also highlights the toll that the job can take on law enforcement officers, and how they struggle to deal with the emotional weight of their work.

Ultimately, Friday and Smith's investigation leads to a thrilling conclusion that reaffirms the value of teamwork, experience, and attention to detail in solving crimes and bringing killers to justice. "The Big Laugh" is a must-watch for fans of classic police dramas, detective shows, and procedural dramas, and a showcase of the talents of the actors, writers, and directors who made Dragnet such an enduring classic of television history.

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  • First Aired
    November 3, 1955
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.4  (8)