Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete

Watch Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete

  • 2021
  • 1 Season
  • 0.0  (26)

Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete is a brand-new sports documentary series that takes viewers behind the scenes of one of the most successful Olympic teams of all time. This series follows the journey of the United States men's basketball team at the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona, otherwise known as the "Dream Team."

Composed of 11 NBA stars and one college player, the Dream Team was a monumental shift in the way that basketball was played and perceived on a global scale. The United States men's basketball team had never lost a game in Olympic competition before, but this team was different.

The documentary offers a glimpse into the background of each player's history, showing how their childhoods and college careers led them to become the top athletes in their field. We learn about the challenges each player faced along the way, from injuries to personal struggles, and how they overcame these obstacles to become the best in the world.

The series also offers a glimpse into the changing landscape of basketball and sports as a whole during the late 80s and early 90s. The Dream Team brought together players from rival teams and united them for a common goal, showing that competition could coexist with teamwork and camaraderie.

While the series focuses on the Dream Team's journey to the Olympics and their astounding success, it also delves into the impact that this team had on the world of sports in the years that followed. The series highlights how the Dream Team helped to popularize basketball globally and paved the way for future NBA stars to compete on an international stage.

Along with interviews from the players themselves, the series also features insight from coaches, journalists, and historians who were intimately involved in the world of sports during this time. The storytelling is rich and immersive, drawing viewers into the emotion and excitement of the games and the history behind them.

Overall, Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete is a fascinating and captivating sports documentary series that is sure to be enjoyed by both basketball fans and casual viewers alike. It offers an unparalleled look into the inner workings of one of the greatest sports teams of all time, and the impact that their success had on the world of sports. If you’re a fan of sports, history, or incredible feats of athleticism, then this series is not to be missed.

Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (5 episodes). The series first aired on August 4, 2021.

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All You Need is a Rock
5. All You Need is a Rock
August 4, 2021
After the '92 Olympics, NBA stars reach unseen levels of cultural, economic, and athletic dominance. They must decide how to use their newfound influence.
It's About Money
4. It's About Money
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Following the retirement of Magic and Bird, the Dream Team mentors new NBA talent and reckons with the ways they transformed the culture of pro athletes.
The Greatest Game Nobody Ever Saw
3. The Greatest Game Nobody Ever Saw
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The Dream Team descends on Barcelona with dominance. The most important competition is the intersquad scrimmage dubbed "The Greatest Game Nobody Ever Saw"
This is '92
2. This is '92
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Following media scrutiny and a shocking announcement from Magic Johnson, the Dream Team realizes they must overcome their differences to prove legitimacy.
Redemption of a League
1. Redemption of a League
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In the 1980s, a new generation transforms the NBA into a powerhouse and cultural force. Bonds are formed, rivalries are stoked, and relationships tested.
Where to Watch Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete
Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete is available for streaming on the Amazon Addon website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Dream Team: Birth Of The Modern Athlete on demand at Amazon.
  • Premiere Date
    August 4, 2021
  • IMDB Rating
    0.0  (26)