Everyday Edisons Season 4 Episode 12
Everyday Edisons
Season 4

Ep 12. I Can Finally Grasp It!

Everyday Edisons season 4 episode 12, named "I Can Finally Grasp It!", follows a group of inventors who have created products to help those with physical disabilities. Hosted by renowned inventor and product designer, Louis Foreman, the episode showcases the journey of these inventors as they refine their ideas and bring them to market.

The episode begins with the story of an inventor who has created a device that helps individuals with hand tremors to hold utensils and eating tools with ease. The host and judges test the product and provide feedback on its design and functionality. They also suggest ways to improve the product for mass market appeal.

Another inventor presents a unique device that helps individuals with limited mobility to grip and hold bottles and containers without any hassle. The judges are impressed with the design, which uses magnets to hold the container, and provide suggestions to improve the device's grip and ease of use.

The next inventor showcased has devised an innovative way to help individuals with arthritis to open jars and bottles with ease. The product is designed to fit any jar or bottle and can be easily operated by those with limited hand mobility. The host and judges test the device and provide feedback on its durability, ease of use, and market potential.

In this episode, the Everyday Edisons team also presents a fascinating device developed by an inventor who has created a better way to hold onto a walking aid. The device is designed to be used by those with limited grip strength, allowing them to hold onto their walking aid with ease and stability. The judges provide feedback on the product's design and provide ideas on how to improve its market potential.

As the episode progresses, the inventors refine and perfect their products before presenting them to the judges and potential investors. Each of the inventors presents their products to a panel of experts who provide feedback on the device's potential marketability and market potential. The judges are impressed with the unique solutions and innovative designs of the products showcased in this episode.

The judges also provide guidance to each of the inventors to help them refine their product's designs and make them more marketable. They offer suggestions on how to improve the products' functionality, design, and ease of use - all with the aim of bringing these products to market to help individuals with physical disabilities.

The host of Everyday Edisons, Louis Foreman, presents insightful commentary throughout the episode, sharing his expertise and experience with both the inventors and the audience. He provides context and background to the different solutions presented, highlighting the unique challenges and opportunities faced by inventors in the field.

Overall, Everyday Edisons season 4 episode 12 is a fascinating exploration of the world of inventing and innovation. It offers a glimpse into the journey of inventors who strive to make a difference in the lives of those with physical disabilities, and showcases the unique and innovative solutions that can be developed through ingenuity and creativity. The episode is sure to inspire those interested in the world of inventing and product design.

Watch Everyday Edisons - I Can Finally Grasp It! (s4 e12) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Everyday Edisons, Season 4 Episode 12, is available to watch free on Plex and stream on PBS. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Everyday Edisons on demand at FuboTV online.
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