
Watch Fallout

  • TV-MA
  • 2024
  • 1 Season
  • 8.4  (224,204)

Fallout, a live-action television series from Amazon Studios, premiered in 2024. Based on the popular video game franchise of the same name, the show transports viewers to a post-apocalyptic America, two hundred years after a devastating nuclear war. A World Reforged in Ash

Fallout paints a picture of a world forever altered by nuclear fallout. Vast swaths of the former United States lie in ruin, with towering remnants of skyscrapers standing as a testament to a lost civilization. Nature has begun to reclaim the land, twisting flora and fauna into mutated and often dangerous forms.

Vault Dwellers Emerge

The story follows a group of survivors who emerge from Vault 76, a massive underground shelter designed to protect a select few from the nuclear holocaust. These Vault Dwellers, sheltered from the harsh realities of the wasteland, must now navigate a world they've only ever read about in history books.

Among the Wasteland's Factions

The wasteland is not an empty canvas. Scattered settlements, raider gangs, and even remnants of pre-war governments vie for control and resources. Our Vault Dwellers encounter these diverse factions, each with their own agendas and moral codes. Will they find allies, or become mere pawns in a larger struggle for survival?

Familiar Faces, New Stories

Fallout doesn't simply rehash the stories from the video games. While it retains the franchise's signature dark humor and retro-futuristic aesthetic, the show focuses on original characters and narratives. This allows viewers new to the Fallout universe a fresh entry point, while providing veterans with a chance to explore the wasteland through new eyes.

The Search for Identity

Emerging from the sterile confines of Vault 76, the characters grapple with their place in this harsh new reality. They must forge their own identities in a world drastically different from the one they were promised. The struggle for survival forces them to confront their own strengths and weaknesses, and question the values ingrained in them by a long-gone society.

Moral Dilemmas in a Grey World

Fallout doesn't shy away from portraying the moral complexities of the wasteland. Choices have consequences, and sometimes the lines between right and wrong are blurred. The characters must navigate difficult decisions, forced to consider the greater good versus their own survival.

A Visually Stunning Wasteland

The series brings the post-apocalyptic world of Fallout to life with stunning visuals. From the desolate landscapes to the meticulously recreated pre-war architecture, the production design creates a believable and immersive wasteland experience.

A Score Fit for the Apocalypse

The soundtrack complements the visuals, blending haunting melodies with orchestral pieces that capture the epic scope of the narrative. The inclusion of recognizable tunes from the video games adds a layer of nostalgia for longtime fans.

Here's what awaits you in Fallout (2024):

A faithful adaptation of a beloved video game franchise: Fallout captures the essence of the Fallout universe while offering a unique narrative.
A journey into a post-apocalyptic America: Explore the vast and unforgiving wasteland, encountering its diverse inhabitants and mutated creatures.
A character-driven story: Follow the struggles and triumphs of the Vault Dwellers as they navigate this new world.
A morally ambiguous landscape: Fallout presents complex choices, forcing viewers to question the characters' actions and motivations.
A visually stunning spectacle: Immerse yourself in the beauty and brutality of the wasteland, brought to life with meticulous detail.
Fallout (2024) is a must-watch for fans of the video game series and anyone seeking a captivating post-apocalyptic adventure. With its blend of action, character development, and exploration of a richly imagined world, Fallout offers a thrilling and thought-provoking television experience.

Fallout is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (8 episodes). The series first aired on April 10, 2024.

Filter by Source

The Beginning
8. The Beginning
April 9, 2024
The Radio
7. The Radio
April 9, 2024
Every generation has their own dumbass ideas...
The Trap
6. The Trap
April 10, 2024
What happens when the ranchers have more power than the Sheriff?
The Past
5. The Past
April 9, 2024
Everyone wants to save the world...
The Ghouls
4. The Ghouls
April 9, 2024
Death to Management.
The Head
3. The Head
April 9, 2024
The Wasteland's got its own Golden Rule...
The Target
2. The Target
April 9, 2024
I know life can't have been easy up here...
The End
1. The End
April 10, 2024
Okey dokey...
Where to Watch Fallout
Fallout is available for streaming on the Amazon website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Fallout on demand at Amazon Prime.
  • Premiere Date
    April 10, 2024
  • IMDB Rating
    8.4  (224,204)