Ghost Hunters Season 3 Episode 15
Ghost Hunters
Season 3

Ep 15. Ghostly Houseguest

  • October 10, 2007
  • 43 min
  • 7.6  (29)

In Ghost Hunters season 3 episode 15, titled Ghostly Houseguest, the team investigates a house in North Carolina that is believed to be haunted by a spirit known as "Molly." The homeowners have reported unexplained activity, including doors opening and closing on their own, objects moving by themselves, and strange sounds coming from the basement.

As the team begins their investigation, they immediately notice a strange energy in the house. They set up their equipment and begin to conduct EVP sessions (Electronic Voice Phenomena) in hopes of capturing evidence of the ghostly activity. During one of these sessions, they hear what sounds like a faint voice saying "help me," which sends chills down their spines.

As they continue their investigation, they hear strange noises and experience unexplained activity firsthand. One team member even feels a chill run down their spine and claims to hear someone whispering in their ear.

To gather more evidence, the team splits up and explores different parts of the house. One team goes to the basement, where they believe the energy is the strongest. They set up their equipment and begin to ask questions, hoping for a response. Suddenly, they hear a loud bang and rush to investigate, only to find that nothing has been moved or disturbed.

Meanwhile, another team explores the upstairs bedrooms, where they have heard reports of ghostly apparitions. As they conduct EVP sessions, they hear strange noises and footsteps coming from the hallway. They also capture what appears to be a shadowy figure moving across the room in their footage.

As the night goes on, the team continues to experience unexplained activity and capture more evidence on their equipment. They even use a thermal imaging camera to look for cold spots and see what appears to be a human figure standing in the corner of the room.

After several hours of investigating, the team comes to the conclusion that the house is indeed haunted by the spirit of "Molly." They recommend that the homeowners seek the help of a local paranormal group to further investigate the activity and try to communicate with the spirit.

Overall, Ghost Hunters season 3 episode 15, Ghostly Houseguest, provides an intriguing glimpse into the world of paranormal investigation. The team's use of equipment and technology offers a unique window into the supernatural world, while their reactions and experiences add an exciting human element to the show. Fans of the paranormal and mysterious will surely not be disappointed by this episode.

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  • First Aired
    October 10, 2007
  • Runtime
    43 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.6  (29)