Guns In America

Watch Guns In America

  • 2013
  • 1 Season
  • 6.3  (515)

Guns have been an integral part of American society for centuries, but the debate over gun control has created a huge divide in the country. The documentary series titled "Guns in America" from PBS, which aired in 2011, delves deep into this controversial issue that has sparked many arguments across the US.

Through a series of interviews with experts, gun enthusiasts, and people from all walks of life, "Guns in America" explores the complex history, politics, and culture of firearms in America. The show covers everything from the Second Amendment to the impact of guns on public safety.

The series takes a data-driven approach to the gun debate, presenting listeners with facts and figures that help them make up their minds about gun ownership. The show breaks down the different types of guns available in the market, outlining the features, prices, and licensing requirements. It also provides an in-depth analysis of gun laws across the country, highlighting the differences between states and offering potential solutions to reduce gun violence.

One of the key themes of the series is the impact of guns on public safety. The show examines the data and evidence surrounding mass shootings, homicides, and suicides in the United States. It explores the factors that contribute to these incidents, such as mental illness, society, and crime. It also tackles the question of whether guns are a tool for self-defense or a dangerous weapon that threatens public safety.

Throughout the series, the show's creators give voice to people from all sides of the gun debate. They present listeners with stories from gun owners who rely on firearms for hunting, protection, or sport. They also hear from victims of gun violence and advocates of gun control, who argue for stronger regulation to prevent more lives lost.

Moreover, "Guns in America" discusses the role of the media in shaping the public's perception of guns. The series explores how the media often sensationalizes stories involving guns, contributing to a distorted view of the prevalence of gun violence. It also considers the role of movies, TV shows, and video games that glorify gun use, triggering controversy and influencing youth.

The show concludes with a thought-provoking dialogue on the future of guns in America. The final episode offers a glimpse into the different scenarios that could unfold depending on the country's gun legislation. It also invites viewers to continue the conversation on gun control in their communities, urging them to participate in local initiatives, rallies, and debates.

Overall, "Guns in America" is a comprehensive, objective, and informative exploration of the gun debate that has long divided the United States. The series makes a significant contribution to the ongoing conversation by presenting viewers with relevant data, multiple viewpoints, and real-life stories that highlight the complexities of the issue. By providing an evidence-based examination of guns in America, the series offers a valuable tool for anyone seeking to understand this controversial topic.

Guns In America is a series that is currently running and has 1 seasons (1 episodes). The series first aired on February 19, 2013.

Guns In America
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February 19, 2013
Guns in America history beginning with the first European settlements in the New World; the political battles over gun-control initiatives; the different visions that guns and gun control represent.
Where to Watch Guns In America
Guns In America is available for streaming on the PBS website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Guns In America on demand at Google Play.
  • Premiere Date
    February 19, 2013
  • IMDB Rating
    6.3  (515)