Gunsmoke Season 4 Episode 3
Season 4

Ep 3. Gunsmuggler

  • September 27, 1958
  • 7.7  (151)

In the show Gunsmoke season 4 episode 3 titled "Gunsmuggler," Marshal Matt Dillon and the rest of the town of Dodge City are perplexed by the sudden proliferation of firearms in the area. In an effort to track down the source of this influx of guns, Dillon and his deputies begin investigating and discover evidence of a gun smuggling operation.

As they piece together the clues, Dillon and his team come face-to-face with the leader of the smuggling ring, a ruthless criminal named Stoner (played by Edgar Buchanan). Stoner proves to be a formidable opponent, and Dillon finds himself in a dangerous standoff as he tries to bring the gun smuggler to justice.

Meanwhile, Dodge City is on edge as more and more people begin arming themselves with the influx of new guns. This puts Dillon and his team under even more pressure to stop the gun smuggling operation before it's too late.

Throughout the episode, there are tense scenes of showdowns between the lawmen and the criminals, as well as quieter moments of reflection on the impact of firearms on society. The characters grapple with the morality of gun ownership and the importance of keeping firearms out of the hands of those who would use them for harm.

Overall, Gunsmoke season 4 episode 3 "Gunsmuggler" is a thrilling tale of crime and justice in the Wild West. With its dynamic characters and thought-provoking themes, it's sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

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  • First Aired
    September 27, 1958
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.7  (151)