Indebted Season 1 Episode 5
Season 1

Ep 5. Everybody's Talking About The Tooth Fairy

  • TV14
  • March 5, 2020
  • 6.9  (54)

Everyone's favorite dysfunctional family is back in action in episode 5 of Indebted season 1, titled "Everybody's Talking About The Tooth Fairy." This hilarious and heartwarming episode takes us on yet another wild ride with the Young family as they navigate the challenges of their unconventional living arrangements and the emotional rollercoaster that is their lives.

The episode kicks off with Dave and Rebecca frantically searching for the perfect preschool for their youngest son, Larry. They are determined to find a place that will not only provide a nurturing environment for their child but also fit within their limited budget. As they embark on their search, they quickly realize that finding the ideal preschool isn't as easy as they had hoped.

In the meantime, Deb and Stew are dealing with some unexpected dental expenses. When Stew chips his tooth, the couple is hit with an outrageous dental bill that completely blindsides them. Worried about their financial situation, they turn to Dave and Rebecca for help. With their own financial struggles, Dave and Rebecca are hesitant about taking on more responsibility, but they can't say no to family.

As Dave and Rebecca try to figure out how they can assist Deb and Stew, they come up with an unconventional solution – they decide to play Tooth Fairy for Deb and Stew's grandkids to earn some extra money. This leads to a series of hilarious mishaps and comedic moments as Dave and Rebecca try their best to keep up the charade while desperately avoiding detection.

Meanwhile, Joanna faces her own set of challenges when she agrees to babysit Larry. Accustomed to her independent and carefree lifestyle, Joanna finds herself completely out of her element as she tries to entertain a toddler. What starts as a simple task quickly turns into a chaotic adventure filled with tantrums, messes, and moments of unexpected bonding.

Back at the preschool search, Dave and Rebecca encounter a range of preschool options, from overly competitive and expensive institutions to quirky and unconventional spaces. Each visit brings its own set of comedic moments, and the couple finds themselves faced with the difficult decision of choosing the right place for their son.

Amid all the chaos, episode 5 also delves into the deeper emotional dynamics between the characters. Deb and Stew's financial struggles force them to confront their own insecurities and reflect on the impact they have had on their children's lives. Dave and Rebecca, on the other hand, wrestle with their need to prioritize their own family's well-being while still being there for the people who raised them.

As the episode nears its conclusion, the family faces some unexpected turns that test their resilience and ability to come together in times of crisis. They realize that, despite their differences and flaws, they are stronger together. The bonds they share as a family are unbreakable and provide the foundation they need to overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

"Everybody's Talking About The Tooth Fairy" is a laugh-out-loud episode that perfectly encapsulates the humor, heart, and chaos that has made Indebted such a beloved and relatable show. With its blend of witty dialogue, endearing characters, and relatable family dynamics, this episode is sure to leave viewers eagerly awaiting the next installment of the Young family's hilarious adventures.

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  • First Aired
    March 5, 2020
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.9  (54)