One More Time

Watch One More Time

  • 2017
  • 1 Season
  • 6.8  (665)

One More Time is a 2016 Korean drama that follows the story of Han Tae-seong (Myung-Soo Kim), a skilled musician who has lost his way in life after his girlfriend, Baek Da-hae (So-hee Yoon), suddenly disappears. He lives a mundane life working as a deliveryman and playing in a band on the side, until he's given the chance to travel back in time and fix the mistakes he made in his past.

The show begins with Tae-seong playing in a small bar where he meets Hong Seo-yeon (Kim Gi-du), a reporter who's interested in his past as a famous musician. Tae-seong brushes her off, as he's struggling to move on from the memory of Da-hae. However, things take an unexpected turn when Tae-seong wakes up in the past, on the day of his breakup with Da-hae.

Tae-seong realizes that he has been given the chance to go back in time and fix the mistakes he made that led to his breakup with Da-hae. As he tries to find her and prevent their breakup, he starts to remember the events and decisions that led to their separation. The show explores themes of love, regret, forgiveness, and second chances as Tae-seong tries to rewrite his past and change his future.

Throughout the show, we see Tae-seong struggling to balance his desire to fix his past and his responsibility to preserve the present. As he interacts with his friends and family in the past, he realizes that every action he takes has consequences and that his attempts to fix his past could potentially harm the people around him. He also tries to navigate the complex relationship between his past and present selves, as he struggles to let go of the memory of Da-hae and move on with his life.

One More Time presents a unique concept of time travel, where Tae-seong is transported back in time through a magical hanging lamp that he received from a mysterious fortune teller. The show uses this magical element to explore the idea of alternate realities and the impact that our choices have on our lives.

The acting in One More Time is top-notch, with Myung-Soo Kim delivering a heartfelt performance as Tae-seong. He successfully portrays the emotions of a man struggling to let go of his past and move forward with his life. So-hee Yoon also shines in her role as Baek Da-hae, showcasing the pain and confusion that comes with a sudden breakup. Kim Gi-du provides the necessary comic relief as Hong Seo-yeon, adding a lighthearted element to the show.

Overall, One More Time is a heartwarming and emotional drama that explores themes of regret, forgiveness, and second chances. The show provides a unique take on time travel and showcases the importance of living in the present while learning from our past. With stellar performances and a well-crafted storyline, One More Time is a must-watch for all fans of Korean dramas.

One More Time
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Episode 8
8. Episode 8
March 10, 2017
Again and again, Da-in gets heartbroken and prepares for a breakup. Regardless, Tan continues to compose and practice Da-in's new song.
Episode 7
7. Episode 7
March 10, 2017
Tan decides that taking his life first is the only solution to end his agony. The death messenger explains to him how he can stop the time slips.
Episode 6
6. Episode 6
March 10, 2017
Da-in makes a deal with the death messenger. On their first anniversary, Tan takes Da-in to an expensive restaurant and prepares a special event.
Episode 5
5. Episode 5
March 10, 2017
Seven years ago on the day that Tan and Da-in met for the first time, Tan was busking with his band and Da-in became his first audience member.
Episode 4
4. Episode 4
March 10, 2017
Determined to change how the day ends, Tan tries to eliminate everything that can go wrong and decides to take Da-in away on an unplanned trip.
Episode 3
3. Episode 3
March 10, 2017
After countless days of spending money, partying and gambling, Tan finally starts to wonder how his other band members and Da-in are doing.
Episode 2
2. Episode 2
March 10, 2017
From the spam phone call to the meeting with an entertainment company representative, everything seems to be a repeat of yesterday for Tan.
Episode 1
1. Episode 1
March 10, 2017
Musician Yoo Tan jumps off the stage and declares his unending love for his girlfriend, Da-in. Seven years later, he seems to have a change of heart.
  • Premiere Date
    March 10, 2017
  • IMDB Rating
    6.8  (665)