Paranormal State Season 1 Episode 12
Paranormal State
Season 1

Ep 12. School House Haunting

  • TVPG
  • January 28, 2008
  • 21 min
  • 4.8  (10)

In the twelfth episode of Paranormal State's debut season, titled "School House Haunting," the talented team at the Paranormal Research Society (PRS) tackles an alarming case involving a haunted school.

As the episode begins, we are introduced to the historical Hinsdale Schoolhouse located in upstate New York. This seemingly serene place has gained notoriety for its mysterious and eerie happenings. Built in the 1860s, the schoolhouse carries with it a dark past that has left its mark on the present.

The PRS receives a distress call from a desperate principal who believes that the school is plagued by supernatural activity. Students and faculty alike have reported chilling encounters, including unexplained whispers, strange apparitions, and objects moving on their own. This distressing situation has taken a toll on the school's atmosphere, causing fear and disruption among the staff and students.

Ryan Buell, the founder of PRS, assembles his dedicated team of paranormal experts, including the empathetic empath Chip Coffey, the tech expert Sergey Poberezhny, the photographer and case manager Katrina Weidman, and the researcher Eilfie Music. This team, armed with their expertise and specialized equipment, is determined to uncover the truth behind the school's haunting and bring peace to the community.

Upon arriving at the Hinsdale Schoolhouse, the team wastes no time in setting up their base of operations. They begin by interviewing witnesses who have experienced paranormal activity in the building. The testimonies range from inexplicable sensations of being watched to encounters with shadowy figures lurking in the hallways.

To understand the history of the school and its possible connection to the paranormal, the team delves into archival research. They discover that the schoolhouse was once a meeting place for a tragic secret society that dabbled in dark rituals and séances. These unsettling findings shed light on the nature of the haunting and serve as the basis for their investigation.

As night falls, the team initiates their extensive paranormal investigation. Armed with thermal cameras, electromagnetic field (EMF) detectors, and EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) recorders, they split up, exploring different areas of the schoolhouse to capture any potential evidence of the paranormal.

In the dimly-lit hallways, the investigators employ various proven techniques to provoke and communicate with any entities they may encounter. Chip Coffey's empathic abilities allow him to sense and connect with the spirits on a deeper level, attempting to understand their motivations and help them find resolution. The team also attempts to capture EVPs—mysterious voices—during their sessions, hoping to gain insights from the other side.

Throughout the investigation, the team experiences numerous supernatural phenomena that cannot be easily explained. They encounter cold spots, hear unexplained noises, and even capture compelling visual evidence of apparitions and shadow figures on their cameras. As the tension mounts, the investigators remain steadfast in their determination to uncover the truth while respecting the entities they encounter.

The "School House Haunting" episode of Paranormal State offers a gripping exploration of the supernatural world, blending history, psychology, and modern technology. It delves into the psychology of hauntings, attempting to understand the motivations of the spirits and their connection to the past.

With their relentless pursuit of truth, the PRS team approaches this haunting with empathy, seeking to understand and ultimately provide closure for both the living and the departed. Through their investigation, they hope to restore peace to the Hinsdale Schoolhouse and bring solace to those affected by its shadowy presence.

Tune in to Paranormal State's "School House Haunting" to join the PRS team on an intriguing and spine-chilling adventure as they seek answers in the face of the unknown.

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Paranormal State, Season 1 Episode 12, is available to watch free on A&E, Tubi TV and stream on A&E. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Paranormal State on demand at Philo, Amazon, Sling, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    January 28, 2008
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    4.8  (10)