Pokemon Season 20 Episode 13
Season 20

Ep 13. Racing to a Big Event!

Ash and his friends are in the Alola region, and they are headed to the Pokemon Grand Trial Stadium for a big event. They are excited because the winner of the race will receive a special prize. However, they are not the only ones who are racing to the event.

Team Rocket is also on their way to the Grand Trial Stadium, and they plan to steal the special prize for themselves. In order to make sure they win, they have brought along some powerful Pokemon, including a Salamence and a Gyarados.

Ash and his friends are determined to win the race fair and square, but they know that they will have to face some tough competition from Team Rocket. They are confident, however, because they have a strong team of Pokemon and they have been training hard for this race.

The race begins, and both teams are off to a fast start. The course takes them through the city and into the countryside, where they must navigate through forests and over rivers. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and challenges, including steep hills, slippery slopes, and rushing rapids.

Ash and his friends are doing well, but they quickly realise that Team Rocket is not playing fair. They are using underhanded tactics, such as tripping other racers and using their Pokemon to attack the competition. Ash and his friends are determined to stay focused and keep their eyes on the prize, no matter what.

As the race continues, the tension between the two teams builds. There are close calls and near misses, but Ash and his friends are not giving up. They know that they must win this race in order to protect the special prize from falling into the wrong hands.

Finally, they reach the finish line, and it's a close race between Ash and Team Rocket. In the end, Ash manages to pull ahead and cross the finish line first. His friends cheer him on, and the crowd goes wild.

With the race won, Ash accepts the special prize, which turns out to be a rare and valuable Pokemon. He is thrilled, as are his friends and his Pokemon. They have worked hard and achieved their goal, and they know that they can always count on each other to face any challenge that comes their way.

The episode ends with Ash and his friends celebrating their victory, and feeling hopeful for the adventures that await them in the future.

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