Rachael Ray Season 13 Episode 121
Rachael Ray
Season 13

Ep 121. Daphne Oz & Hilaria Baldwin Talk Parenting Trends

  • April 9, 2019

Daphne Oz and Hilaria Baldwin join Rachael Ray on season 13 episode 121 of the talk show to discuss the latest parenting trends. The two guests, both mothers of multiple children, kick off the episode by sharing their own experiences and insights on raising kids.

As the conversation progresses, Oz and Baldwin touch on a variety of hot topics in parenting, from the importance of teaching emotional intelligence to children to the benefits of being a "helicopter parent" in certain situations. They also discuss the impact of technology on kids and share advice on how parents can strike a balance between screen time and outdoor play.

Throughout the episode, Rachael Ray chimes in with her own thoughts and opinions on parenting. The host, who is not a parent herself, brings a fresh perspective to the conversation and asks thoughtful questions that encourage the guests to delve deeper into the topics at hand.

In addition to the parenting discussion, viewers can expect to see some cooking segments on this episode. Rachael Ray whips up a delicious recipe or two, and the guests get in on the action as well. Oz and Baldwin share some of their go-to meals for families, offering up healthy and kid-friendly options that are sure to be a hit with viewers at home.

Overall, this episode of Rachael Ray promises to be informative and entertaining for parents and non-parents alike. With the guidance of Oz and Baldwin, viewers will gain valuable insights into modern parenting trends and discover new ways to improve the lives of their families. And of course, with Rachael Ray in the mix, there are sure to be plenty of laughs and delicious recipes to enjoy along the way.

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  • First Aired
    April 9, 2019
  • Language