Rachael Ray Season 14 Episode 174
Rachael Ray
Season 14

Ep 174. Celeb Pals Surprise Rach All Hour Long For Her 50th Birthday + 50 Adorable Puppies

  • December 26, 2018

This episode of Rachael Ray is a special one as she celebrates her 50th birthday. Throughout the hour, Rachael is surprised by some of her closest celebrity friends who drop by to wish her a happy birthday and share stories about their friendship with her. Viewers can expect to see appearances from familiar faces, such as Dr. Ian Smith, Wendy Williams, Curtis Stone, Emeril Lagasse, and Buddy Valastro.

Aside from the heartwarming surprises, the hour is also filled with an overload of cuteness with the presence of 50 adorable puppies. Rachael is known for her love for animals, and this episode does not disappoint as she gets to cuddle with the puppies and chat with experts about pet care and adoption.

But the surprises and the puppies are not the only highlights of the episode. Rachael also dishes out some delicious recipes that anyone can easily make at home. With the help of her celebrity friends, viewers can expect an entertaining and informative cooking segment as they share their favorite dishes with Rach. Chef Curtis Stone even prepares a dish that he claims to be Rachael's all-time favorite.

To add to the excitement, Rachael also gives away some fantastic prizes to her audience members, with some lucky winners going home with new kitchen appliances and gadgets.

The episode ends with a heartfelt message from Rachael, as she thanks her family, friends, and viewers for their love and support throughout the years. ”It’s been a great 50 years,” she says. “I’m excited about the next 50.”

Overall, this episode of Rachael Ray is packed with surprises, cuteness overload, delicious recipes, and heartwarming moments. It is a testament to Rachael's infectious personality and her ability to bring people together. Viewers are sure to enjoy this special episode and leave feeling inspired and uplifted.

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  • First Aired
    December 26, 2018
  • Language