The Apprentice Season 2 Episode 11
The Apprentice
Season 2

Ep 11. The Butt Stops Here

  • November 18, 2004

Title: The Apprentice Season 2 Episode 11 - "The Butt Stops Here"


In this thrilling episode of The Apprentice, tensions run high as the remaining candidates face a unique challenge that tests their marketing skills, creativity, and ability to think on their feet. With only a few tasks separating them from the highly coveted role of becoming billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump's next apprentice, the stakes have never been higher.

As the episode begins, the remaining contestants gather in the boardroom, awaiting their next task from Donald Trump himself. The atmosphere is electric with anticipation as they try to decipher the cryptic clues provided, hinting at the nature of the challenge that lies ahead.

Soon, they receive their instructions: the candidates must create and execute a compelling public service announcement (PSA) campaign to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking and the importance of quitting. Each team will be responsible for developing a comprehensive strategy to deliver a powerful anti-smoking message to the public.

Split into two teams, the candidates waste no time in brainstorming their campaign ideas. Ideas range from emotional testimonials to avant-garde artistic interpretations, highlighting the devastating effects of smoking on both an individual's health and society as a whole. Time is of the essence, and the teams must work quickly to devise their respective PSA concepts.

Once the campaigns are finalized, the teams set out to bring their vision to life. From creating powerful scripts and storyboards to filming and editing, time becomes an antagonist as the contestants face a race against the clock to meet their deadlines.

In addition to the visual elements, the candidates must also devise a comprehensive marketing strategy to ensure that their campaigns reach the intended target audience effectively. Each team considers various platforms, including television, radio, and social media, to maximize the reach of their message and spark conversations about the perils of smoking.

As the final edits are made and the campaigns approach completion, the teams hit the streets to test the impact of their PSAs. Armed with focus groups and surveys, they gauge the public's response and whether their message is resonating as intended. Feedback from potential viewers and participants offers invaluable insights, helping the teams fine-tune their approaches and make any necessary last-minute adjustments.

Finally, the day of judgment arrives, and the teams present their completed campaigns to a panel of industry experts, including advertising and marketing professionals. The judges evaluate each PSA based on its effectiveness in delivering the anti-smoking message, creativity, emotional impact, and overall production value.

In the final boardroom session, Donald Trump meticulously reviews each team's performance and asks probing questions that cut to the core of their decision-making processes. Tensions rise as the candidates passionately defend their choices, sometimes clashing in their quest to prove their campaign's superiority.

Ultimately, the judges render their verdict, declaring the winning team based on the strength of their PSA and its potential for making a lasting impact on society's perception of smoking. However, only the final scenes will reveal who emerges victorious and earns that crucial spot in the final leg of the competition.

Prepare for an intense and emotional rollercoaster ride in "The Butt Stops Here," as the candidates lay it all on the line to create persuasive anti-smoking campaigns. Witness their strategic thinking, creative prowess, and resilience as they vie for the approval of Donald Trump. Who will triumph in this high-stakes challenge and move one step closer to becoming The Apprentice? Find out in this captivating episode.

Note: The above description is purely fictional and does not pertain to any actual television show or episode.

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  • First Aired
    November 18, 2004
  • Language