The Doctors Season 9 Episode 162
The Doctors
Season 9

Ep 162. A Dating Site for Miserable Singles; Male Birth Control; Duckweed: The New Superfood

  • July 21, 2017

In season 9 episode 162 of The Doctors, the show explores a range of intriguing topics. First up is a discussion of a dating site targeted at singles who are feeling miserable and want to find a partner who can relate to their struggles. The site claims to offer a safe space where individuals who are struggling with loneliness, anxiety, or other mental health issues can find companionship with others who understand what they're going through.

Next, the show dives into the world of male birth control. While women have had a range of contraceptive options available for decades, men have historically had far fewer choices when it comes to preventing unwanted pregnancies. However, new research is exploring a range of promising options for male birth control, including injections and implants.

Finally, the episode delves into the topic of duckweed, a plant that is being touted as the latest superfood. Duckweed is a tiny aquatic plant that grows quickly and is packed with nutrients like protein, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids. The Doctors explore the benefits of consuming duckweed and discuss the ways in which it might be incorporated into a healthy diet.

Throughout the episode, the hosts of The Doctors provide expert insights and advice on each of these topics. Viewers can expect to learn more about how to support mental health while dating, the latest developments in male contraception, and the nutritional benefits of duckweed. Whether you're interested in dating, health, or science, this episode of The Doctors is sure to provide plenty of fascinating information and insights.

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  • First Aired
    July 21, 2017
  • Language