The Greatest American Hero Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. Reseda Rose

  • TV-PG
  • April 15, 1981
  • 49 min
  • 6.8  (83)

The Greatest American Hero season 1 episode 4 titled "Reseda Rose" follows the adventures of high school teacher Ralph Hinkley and FBI agent Bill Maxwell as they continue to navigate their newfound powers from a mysterious red suit. The episode begins with Ralph struggling to balance his duties as a teacher and superhero, as he rushes to stop a robbery in progress but ends up missing his own parent-teacher conference.

Meanwhile, Bill is juggling multiple cases at once and enlists Ralph's help to investigate a local criminal known as "The Rose," who is causing trouble in the Reseda neighborhood. The Rose has been stealing from local merchants and using his knowledge of the streets to evade the police.

Ralph and Bill's investigation leads them to the Reseda community center, where they meet a young girl named Rosa who has been helping The Rose. Rosa reveals that The Rose only steals to support his family, as he is the sole provider for his younger brother and sick mother. Feeling sympathetic, Ralph and Bill decide to help The Rose turn his life around by offering him a job at the community center.

However, things take a dramatic turn when The Rose is kidnapped by a rival gang who want to use his skills for their own gain. Ralph and Bill team up to rescue him, using their powers from the suit to take down the gang and save The Rose. In the end, The Rose agrees to turn his life around and accepts the job offer at the community center, grateful for the second chance.

Throughout the episode, Ralph continues to struggle with mastering his powers and balancing his dual identities, while Bill shows a softer side as he helps The Rose and Rosa. The episode ends with Ralph and Bill parting ways, but both determined to make a difference in their own way.

"Reseda Rose" is a heartwarming episode that showcases the power of second chances and the importance of community. The character development of both Ralph and Bill is well-crafted, and the message of hope and redemption resonates throughout. With plenty of action and suspense, "Reseda Rose" is a standout episode in The Greatest American Hero series.

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The Greatest American Hero, Season 1 Episode 4, is available to watch free on Crackle, Pluto TV, Plex and stream on ABC. You can also stream, download, buy, rent The Greatest American Hero on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Vudu online.
  • First Aired
    April 15, 1981
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    49 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.8  (83)