The Lone Ranger Season 2 Episode 19
The Lone Ranger
Season 2

Ep 19. The Outcast

  • TV-G
  • January 18, 1951
  • 22 min
  • 8.0  (38)

The Lone Ranger season 2 episode 19, titled "The Outcast," follows the Lone Ranger and Tonto as they try to rescue a young Native American boy who has been kidnapped by a group of outlaws. The boy's tribe believes he has been taken to a nearby ghost town, and the Lone Ranger and Tonto set out to investigate.

As they navigate the desolate town, they encounter a group of outcasts who have made their home there. The outcasts are led by a man named Jack, who is initially distrustful of the Lone Ranger and Tonto. However, they soon learn that Jack and his followers are actually good-hearted people who have been shunned by society due to their past mistakes and failures.

Meanwhile, the group of outlaws who have taken the young boy are holed up in the town's abandoned saloon. The Lone Ranger and Tonto formulate a plan to rescue the boy and bring the outlaws to justice.

As the episode unfolds, viewers are treated to exciting action scenes, including a thrilling shoot-out in the saloon and a horse chase through the desert. The Lone Ranger and Tonto show their resourcefulness and bravery as they put their lives on the line to save the young boy and bring the outlaws to justice.

In addition to the action-packed plot, "The Outcast" also explores the theme of redemption. The outcasts in the ghost town are all seeking a second chance at life, and the Lone Ranger and Tonto provide them with the opportunity to prove themselves as good people. Even the outlaws who have kidnapped the young boy are shown to have redeeming qualities, highlighting the idea that everyone deserves a chance at forgiveness and a better future.

Overall, "The Outcast" is a thrilling and heartfelt episode of The Lone Ranger that highlights the importance of second chances and the power of redemption. Fans of the series will not want to miss this exciting adventure of justice in the Wild West.

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  • First Aired
    January 18, 1951
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    22 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.0  (38)