The Returned Season 2 Episode 5
The Returned
Season 2

Ep 5. Mrs. Costa

  • 52 min

The Returned (US) season 2 episode 5, titled "Mrs. Costa," follows the story of a woman who lost her son in a tragic accident eighteen years ago. Mrs. Costa has never been able to fully move on from this loss, and she remains consumed by her grief to this day.

As the episode progresses, Mrs. Costa learns that her son may not be entirely gone after all. Mysterious occurrences begin to take place around her home, and she begins to suspect that her son's spirit may be trying to communicate with her.

As these strange happenings continue, Mrs. Costa is forced to confront her feelings of grief and guilt head-on. She begins to question whether she could have done more to prevent her son's death, and she wonders if she is truly ready to let him go.

Throughout the episode, we see Mrs. Costa struggling to come to terms with her emotions. She goes through a rollercoaster of feelings, from denial and anger to sadness and acceptance. At times, she even wonders if she is losing her mind.

As the mystery surrounding her son's spirit deepens, Mrs. Costa begins to investigate further. She talks to people who have had similar experiences, and she seeks out the help of a spiritual medium. Through these efforts, she eventually uncovers the truth behind her son's death, and she is able to find closure at last.

Overall, "Mrs. Costa" is a poignant and emotional episode that deals with themes of loss, grief, and the afterlife. While it is part of a larger story that follows multiple characters, it stands out as a powerful examination of one woman's journey through the pain of losing a child.

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  • Runtime
    52 min
  • Language