This Old House Season 34 Episode 4
This Old House
Season 34

Ep 4. Arlington Arts & Crafts: Foundation Fundamentals

  • October 23, 2016

This Old House season 34 episode 4, titled "Arlington Arts & Crafts: Foundation Fundamentals," follows the crew as they continue their work on a 1930s Arts & Crafts-style house in Arlington, Massachusetts. The episode focuses on the process of laying the foundation for a new addition to the home. The team also addresses some issues with the existing foundation.

The episode begins with host Kevin O'Connor introducing the project and explaining the importance of a strong foundation for any building. The crew begins by excavating the area where the new addition will be built. They dig down to the required depth and then fill the hole with crushed stone. This serves to provide a stable base for the foundation.

Next, the team installs a footing system made of concrete. This includes a frost wall that extends below the frost line to prevent the foundation from shifting during freeze and thaw cycles. The crew also installs tie rods to connect the new foundation to the existing foundation and ensure that they work together as one.

Throughout the episode, various members of the crew discuss the different types of foundations and their benefits and drawbacks. They also provide in-depth explanations of the materials and techniques used during the foundation installation process.

In addition to laying the new foundation, the team also addresses some issues with the existing foundation. They discover that there are some cracks in the foundation walls and that the basement is damp due to poor drainage. The crew takes the necessary steps to fix these issues, including excavating around the foundation, installing new drainage tile, and applying a waterproof sealant.

As the episode concludes, the team reflects on the progress they have made and looks ahead to the next steps in the renovation process. They discuss the importance of ensuring that the new addition is properly connected to the existing house and that it will be able to withstand the harsh New England weather.

Overall, "Arlington Arts & Crafts: Foundation Fundamentals" provides a detailed look at the important work that goes into laying a foundation for a home renovation project. Through expert guidance from the This Old House crew, viewers gain valuable insight into the materials and techniques used during this process. The episode is a great resource for DIY enthusiasts and anyone interested in home construction and renovation.

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  • First Aired
    October 23, 2016
  • Language