Top Secrets

Watch Top Secrets

  • 2013
  • 1 Season

Top Secrets from National Geographic is a documentary series that explores some of the greatest enigmas and most intriguing discoveries of our time. Presented by a group of experts in different fields, the show delves into the mysteries of science, history, biology, and technology, unveiling some of the most groundbreaking and awe-inspiring stories of our world.

The three hosts of the show are Tom Streithorst, Hakeem Oluseyi, and Pamela L. Gay, each with their own unique perspective and area of expertise. Tom is an award-winning journalist and author, who has written extensively about science and technology. Hakeem is an astrophysicist and science communicator, who has appeared in various TV shows and documentaries. Pamela is an astronomer and writer, who has contributed to several scientific publications and blogs.

One of the main themes of the show is the importance of scientific inquiry and exploration, and how it can lead to unexpected discoveries and breakthroughs. Through a combination of interviews, archival footage, and expert analysis, the hosts explore some of the greatest scientific mysteries of our world, such as the origin of life, the nature of time, and the workings of the universe.

The show also highlights some of the most fascinating stories from history, mythology, and folklore, and how they have shaped our understanding of the world. For example, the hosts delve into the myth of Atlantis and discuss whether it may have been a real place, as well as examine the historical origins of the Knights Templar and their connection to the Holy Grail.

Another important theme of the show is the impact of technology on our society and how it is transforming the way we live and work. The hosts explore some of the most cutting-edge innovations in fields like robotics, artificial intelligence, and space exploration, and discuss their potential benefits and risks.

One of the standout episodes of the series is "The Secrets of Quantum Physics", in which the hosts explore the strange and fascinating world of quantum mechanics. Through interviews with leading experts in the field, the hosts discuss the mysteries of quantum superposition, entanglement, and tunneling, and how they challenge our understanding of the laws of physics.

Another memorable episode is "The Mystery of the Mayan Civilization", in which the hosts travel to Central America to uncover the secrets of the ancient Mayans. Through interviews with archaeologists, historians, and indigenous people, the hosts learn about the Mayan calendar, their elaborate rituals and ceremonies, and the possible reasons for their decline.

Overall, Top Secrets from National Geographic is a fascinating and thought-provoking series that explores some of the most intriguing mysteries of our world. With its mixture of science, history, and technology, it offers a unique and engaging perspective on some of the greatest questions of our time.

Top Secrets
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  • Premiere Date
    February 15, 2013