Ultimate Otaku Teacher Season 1 Episode 14

Ep 14. The Assessment Girl

  • July 11, 2015
  • 23 min

Kagami Junichirou, or "Junchi" as his students call him, is the ultimate otaku teacher. He's a genius, but lacks motivation and is a self-proclaimed "NEET". However, his newfound job as a high school teacher brings him into contact with a variety of students who force him to use his wits and knowledge to help them through their problems - both academic and personal.

In episode 14, entitled "The Assessment Girl", Junchi has to deal with a new challenge - a transfer student named Hiiragi Koyomi. Koyomi is a genius herself, scoring highest in the entire country on her entrance exam. As a result, she is assigned to Junchi's class for a week in order to assess their progress and give them feedback on areas where they need improvement.

At first, Junchi is excited to have such a brilliant student in his class - maybe she can finally understand his love of anime and manga! However, he quickly realizes that Koyomi is not interested in anything other than her studies. She constantly corrects Junchi's lectures and criticizes his teaching methods, causing tension between them.

Junchi's students also feel the pressure of Koyomi's assessment. They all want to do their best, but Koyomi's intimidating presence makes them nervous and unsure of themselves. Even Junchi's top student, Nagisa, starts to doubt her own abilities.

Meanwhile, Koyomi's strict work ethic begins to take a toll on her own well-being. She doesn't sleep or eat properly, and she becomes more and more isolated from her classmates. Junchi begins to worry about her, and wonders if the pressure to be the best is too much for her to handle.

As the week goes on, Junchi tries to help Koyomi loosen up and enjoy herself. He takes her to a maid cafe, teaches her about the joys of cosplay, and even gives her a lesson in otaku culture. Slowly but surely, Koyomi begins to open up and show more of her personality. Junchi realizes that she's not just a cold, calculating genius - she's also a girl who likes cute things and wants to have fun.

On the last day of Koyomi's assessment, she gives her feedback to Junchi and his class. She praises them for their hard work and progress, but also encourages them to keep striving for improvement. Junchi is glad to see that Koyomi has found a balance between her studies and her personal life, and he feels proud of his students for coming together to support each other.

"The Assessment Girl" is a heartwarming episode that highlights the importance of balancing work and play, and the power of friendship and community. Junchi may be an otaku, but he's also a caring teacher who wants to help his students succeed - both academically and personally.

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  • First Aired
    July 11, 2015
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language