The World God Only Knows

Watch The World God Only Knows

  • TV-14
  • 2010
  • 3 Seasons
  • 7.2  (1,208)

The World God Only Knows is a lively, humorous anime series that premiered on TV Tokyo in 2010. The show revolves around Katsuragi Keima, a high school student who is well-known for his prowess in dating sim games. He is renowned amongst his peers as a master of the art, able to conquer any woman in any game with ease.

One day, Keima finds himself in a sticky situation when he is suddenly summoned by a demon named Elsie. Elsie is on the hunt for lost souls that have escaped from hell and taken residence in the hearts of certain girls in the real world. She enlists Keima's help, promising to leave him alone once he has helped her capture all of the escaped souls.

Unwillingly, Keima is dragged into the demon's plan, and the two get to work on tracking down all of the lost souls. However, there's a catch - the only way to extract the lost souls is to make the affected girls fall in love with Keima.

The show follows Keima as he struggles to romance real-life women with the same ease that he has in dating sim games. He has to constantly adapt his approach to each girl's unique personality while dealing with various challenges that could arise, such as the presence of a third-party love interest or a rival for the girl's affection.

The show is full of humor and is self-aware of its absurd premise. Keima's struggle to adjust his behavior to the real world often leads to hilarious results, as his game-based logic sometimes fails when confronted with more complex and nuanced feelings. Adding to the humor are Elsie's bumbling attempts at helping Keima in his mission, as she is often clueless about the real world and its social norms.

Despite its comedic elements, the show also has touching moments that revolve around the deeper insecurities and vulnerabilities that each girl hides behind her exterior facade. While the overall plot is light-hearted and humorous, there is an underlying thematic message about the importance of understanding and appreciating each person's uniqueness and individuality.

The show's animation style is vibrant and colorful, adding to its overall cheerful and light-hearted tone. The character designs have a distinct anime style, and each girl has a unique look and feel that reflects her personality. The soundtrack is also noteworthy, with upbeat and catchy opening and closing themes that complement the show's tone.

The English dub of the show features an excellent cast of voice actors, with Chris Patton lending his voice to the role of Keima. Luci Christian voices Elsie with a hilarious blend of innocence and cluelessness, and Hiro Shimono does an excellent job with the show's other male characters. The voice acting is a standout aspect of the show, and the English dub captures the quirky and humorous nature of the Japanese original.

Overall, The World God Only Knows is a charming and entertaining anime series that combines humor and romance in a unique and engaging way. With its relatable protagonist and a cast of quirky and lovable characters, the show is a must-watch for fans of the romantic comedy genre.

The World God Only Knows is a series that is currently running and has 3 seasons (59 episodes). The series first aired on October 6, 2010.

The World God Only Knows
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The Memory of My First Love
36. The Memory of My First Love
September 23, 2013
As they head to Ayumi's location, Chihiro tells Keima he should tell the truth to Ayumi as unknown to Keima, she already told Ayumi that he was trying to win her heart for something important. At the harbor, Keima tell Ayumi he will honestly tell the truth if she ask anything before continuing their wedding.
Show Me
35. Show Me
September 16, 2013
As Ayumi contemplates on what Keima said to her, Keima ask her to meet him at Kozue River. Haqua explains to Chihiro why Keima has to make Ayumi fall in love with him as he tries to make her like him again. However, their date is constantly interrupted by Vintage which Chihiro suggests she, Keima and Ayumi stay at Miyako's home.
34. Labyrinth
September 9, 2013
Ayumi is still angry with Keima but is forced to work with him after he becomes the 2-B Class Cafe barista. Keima tries to talk with Ayumi but her anger and Chihiro being there doesn't help. Meanwhile, Lune orders Vintage to target all of Keima's past conquests.
Absent Lovers
33. Absent Lovers
September 2, 2013
Chihiro and Keima head to the rooftop to continue their date. As they are about to kiss, Chihiro asks him to be gentle as this is her first time, which leads Keima to realize that Chihiro doesn't have a goddess as she does not remember her first kiss with him.
Goddess Mix
32. Goddess Mix
August 26, 2013
The Loose Souls team section chiefs are holding their regular meeting in Hell. Haqua questions Bureau Chief Dokuro about the rumors she heard from Nora concerning goddesses and Vintage, but Dokuro rejects her claims. Unsatisfied with the response, Haqua prepares to leave hell. Back on Earth, four of the goddesses have assembled in an attempt to awaken Kanon and Apollo.
Bad Medicine
31. Bad Medicine
August 19, 2013
The goddess search is going well, but the strain is too much for Keima and he falls ill. However, this is an opportunity the God of Conquest to trigger the sick visit event. Ayumi and Chihiro are the remaining candidates for the final goddess. However, Keima doesn't realize how difficult it is to conquer two friends at the same time.
My Story
30. My Story
August 12, 2013
Thanks to a convincing performance by Haqua, Keima successfully releases the fourth goddess, Mars. However, Shiori was unfortunate enough to witness Keima during his conquest, and the shock leaves her unable to write a novel for the Mai High Festival. Keima tries to help Shiori complete her story, but what will she write about?
Punch and Date
29. Punch and Date
August 5, 2013
With help from Vulcanus, the third goddess, the Ancient Demon blade in Kanon has been removed. However, she still remains unconscious. Keima must search for the remaining goddesses and restore their power, but one of the potential hosts approaches him first. Does Keima have a way to handle a heroine who doesn't follow the dating sim model?
Doll Roll Hall
28. Doll Roll Hall
July 29, 2013
During the simultaneous walk-home-from-school events, Keima is attacked by a wave of flying books. The books are being controlled by a small figure. Meanwhile, section chief Nora drops by the Katsuragi residence to see Elsie. It sounds like the Hell Bureau of Peace has issued an order to the loose soul team to search for residents of Heaven. Kanon/Apollo is currently at the Katsuragi resi...
5 Home
27. 5 Home
July 22, 2013
A girl who hosts a goddess will remember everything that happened during her conquest. In other words, she will remember falling in love with Keima. Armed with that information, Keima attempts to walk home from school with all five potential hosts and increase their affection level.
Scramble Formation
26. Scramble Formation
July 15, 2013
The goddess Apollo makes her appearance, but she is immediately stabbed by Lune, leader of Vintage, an organization which seeks to restore the Ancient Demons.
E 12
12. E 12
September 23, 2013
Due to spending all of his time chasing after loose souls, Keima's room is filled with dating sims that haven't been completed... "Conquest mode" is activated to clear off the backlog of games! Keima is truly a god as he conquers game after game!! ...After a few hours, Keima is still gaming away after ignoring warnings from a concerned Elsie when his body finally gives out and he falls the end draws near, he is greeted by an unexpected sight...!?
E 11
11. E 11
September 16, 2013
The library has decided to dispose of a number of books to prepare for the new media room. Shiori can't bear the thought of her precious books being thrown away, so she sets up a barricade and holes herself up in the library. The members of the library committee pay no heed to Shiori's silent protests and prepare to storm the library and dispose of the books as planned. Shiori begins to falter in the face of adversity, when Keima suddenly appears before her. Has he come to save her, or perhaps...
E 10
10. E 10
September 9, 2013
Keima proclaims that books are no longer necessary in this day and age and the soft-spoken Shiori finally loses her cool!? As a result, Keima is able to hear how Shiori truly feels, but now there's an uproar in the library...? The "fortress of paper" that's protected Shiori from the real world is about to change...
E 9
9. E 9
September 2, 2013
It's the night before the Mai High Festival. Keima and Chihiro are alone on the roof of the school. Chihiro seems confused by Keima's behavior, but he continues with his conquest. But as Keima makes his move, Chihiro says something unexpected.
E 8
8. E 8
August 26, 2013
Elsie tries to cook for her divine brother, but Keima is never pleased. This time, she tries to make a "self-propelled" lunch, but she gets yelled at again... Elsie is feeling down, but after some advice from Chihiro, she decides to try again! As she prepares to make a strawberry shortcake, she prepares sugar from hell and eggs of all kinds of colors. One of the eggs is...
E 7
7. E 7
August 19, 2013
The goddess search is going well, but the strain is too much for Keima and he falls ill. However, this is an opportunity the God of Conquest to trigger the sick visit event. Ayumi and Chihiro are the remaining candidates for the final goddess. However, Keima doesn't realize how difficult it is to conquer two friends at the same time.
E 6
6. E 6
August 12, 2013
...I'm going to turn you into a fan! And so, Kanon sings on the roof for Keima. Keima treats her coldly in an attempt to learn what is troubling her, but Kanon is so hurt that she goes into a state of shock and her body becomes transparent! It appears to be related to the loose soul inside her...but as Elsie looks for information about Kanon, she learns about something that happened in Kanon's past. In the meantime, Kanon's dream concert at Narusawa Seaside Hall is drawing near.
E 5
5. E 5
August 5, 2013
With help from Vulcanus, the third goddess, the Ancient Demon blade in Kanon has been removed. However, she still remains unconscious. Keima must search for the remaining goddesses and restore their power, but one of the potential hosts approaches him first. Does Keima have a way to handle a heroine who doesn't follow the dating sim model?
E 4
4. E 4
July 29, 2013
During the simultaneous walk-home-from-school events, Keima is attacked by a wave of flying books. The books are being controlled by a small figure. Meanwhile, section chief Nora drops by the Katsuragi residence to see Elsie. It sounds like the Hell Bureau of Peace has issued an order to the loose soul team to search for residents of Heaven. Kanon/Apollo is currently at the Katsuragi residence. Is this a coincidence?
3. Home
July 22, 2013
A girl who hosts a goddess will remember everything that happened during her conquest. In other words, she will remember falling in love with Keima. Armed with that information, Keima attempts to walk home from school with all five potential hosts and increase their affection level.
The World God Only Knows
2. The World God Only Knows
July 15, 2013
Apollo casts a warning in the sky to her sisters to trust no one before succumbing to her wounds. Lune attempts to finish her but is stopped by Nikaidō. Keima, Diana, Elsie and Haqua has Apollo taken to the Katsuragi household where they discovered the magic dagger used on Apollo and Kanon is ancient Weiss magic and the culprits are Vintage, a group of demons who wish to resurrect the Weiss. With Kanon having a week to live, Keima must find the other four goddesses to heal her before Vintage gets them. To accomplish this without incident, Elsie disguises herself as Kanon and Keima tricks his mother to go to South America. Partnering with Haqua who is disguised as Elsie, Keima uses the rumor of Kanon's confession to see the reactions of his prior conquests, who will act jealous if they remember falling in love with him. Keima narrows his suspects to Ayumi, Chihiro, Shiori and Tsukiyo Kujyo, who were all embarrass around him. When he at first thinks Yui Goido is not a goddess host due to not remembering him, a confused Keima is surprise when Yui confess her love for him, which Shiori and Haqua mistakes the cross-dressing Yui as a boy and is being intimate with Keima. With his five suspects, Keima must now make them fall in love with him again which will fuel the goddesses' powers and determine if they're a host.
When the Sun Goes Down
1. When the Sun Goes Down
July 8, 2013
Keima explains to the audience how he has captured fourteen girls and two unique girls after the last season. Meanwhile, Kanon is preparing for her school tests, but ends up talking with her split personality, Apollo, who claims to be a goddess. The next day, Keima and Elsie meet up with Tenri and within her, Diana. Diana wants Keima to marry Tenri as Tenri's love for Keima increases her powers, which he refuses. When asked to explain what she is, Diana reveals she is a goddess, one of the Jupiter Sisters, who helped the New Demons of Hell against the Weiss, when they attempted to take over the three realms of Earth, Heaven and Hell, and control all souls. After defeating them, the Jupiter Sisters sacrificed themselves by sealing themselves together with the Weiss, but they have now escaped ten years ago. Diana asks Keima to help find her sisters and reveals they reside in his past conquests, who did not forget their memories with him. At the same time, Kanon is stalked by a hooded stranger much to her worry. When Kanon spots her stalker during her test, she runs into Keima's arms. Kanon reveals to him she still remembers her time with him and declares she loves him much to their class' shock. Realizing Kanon has a goddess inside of her, he drags her away from everyone, only for Apollo to take over Kanon and run away, believing Keima is an innocent bystander. However, as she attempts to find a place to hide, Apollo is attacked and stabbed by her stalker who reveals herself to be Lune of Vintage.
Where to Watch The World God Only Knows
The World God Only Knows is available for streaming on the TV Tokyo website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch The World God Only Knows on demand at Amazon Prime, Google Play and Apple TV.
  • Premiere Date
    October 6, 2010
  • IMDB Rating
    7.2  (1,208)