WW1 Tunnels of Death: The Big Dig

Watch WW1 Tunnels of Death: The Big Dig

  • 1969

In the BBC's WW1 Tunnels of Death: The Big Dig, Alexandra Churchill, a historian and author, and Peter Doyle, a military historian and geologist, explore the underground tunnels and trenches of the Western Front during World War I. The show takes viewers on an archaeological and historical journey, showcasing recent excavations of the tunnels and uncovering the stories of the soldiers who lived and fought in them. Churchill and Doyle provide insight into what life was like for these soldiers, who spent months on end underground, digging, fighting, and surviving in harsh conditions.

The show highlights the technology and advancements that were made during the war, with the immense amount of tunneling being just one aspect. The series delves into the tunnels and how they were engineered - from where they were dug, the methods used to dig them, and even to the materials that were used to support them. The show also explores the dangerous live grenades and unexploded munitions that are still buried beneath the earth and pose a risk to this day.

Throughout the episodes, Churchill and Doyle visit various sites along the Western Front, including the preserved trenches at the Somme and Thiepval, as well as the preserved tunnels at the Vimy Ridge in France. They even travel to both the Canadian and German sides of the battlefields to explore the different approaches used to dig the tunnels and the unique challenges faced by each side.

The show also offers a glimpse into the lives of the men who fought in these tunnels, showcasing their living conditions and the struggles they faced on a daily basis. The excavation of actual artifacts within the tunnels and trenches provides a tangible link between the present and the past, making the experiences of these soldiers feel even more real.

One of the highlights of the series is the rare footage and reenactments of the battles that took place underground, which captures the bravery, horror, and tragedy of the soldiers who fought in these hidden spaces.

Overall, WW1 Tunnels of Death: The Big Dig from BBC is an engaging and informative series that sheds light on the tunnels and trenches that were such a critical aspect of the war. Featuring expert commentary from historians and archaeologists, stunning visuals, and fascinating insights into the lives of the soldiers who fought in these hidden spaces, the show offers a unique and compelling perspective on one of the deadliest conflicts in human history.