American Ninja Warrior Season 12 Episode 5

Ep 5. Baltimore City Qualifiers

  • TV-PG
  • July 1, 2019
  • 84 min
  • 8.7  (21)

American Ninja Warrior season 12 episode 5, titled "Baltimore City Qualifiers," sees the competition continue as the ninjas head to the East Coast to tackle a brand new course. The Baltimore City Qualifiers boast a challenging course that tests the strength, agility, and endurance of the competitors.

As the episode kicks off, viewers are taken to the M&T Bank Stadium where the ninjas are gathered, warming up and preparing for what promises to be a grueling course. The first obstacle on the course is the Shrinking Steps, where the ninjas must quickly and carefully navigate a series of angled steps, gradually decreasing in size. This obstacle has proven to be a significant challenge for many competitors in the past.

Next up is the Weight for It, a new obstacle that requires the ninjas to use their upper body strength to pull themselves up to a platform while avoiding swinging bags. This is followed by the Ring Chaser, another new obstacle where the competitors must use rings to swing across a series of gaps.

One of the biggest challenges in this course is the Sideways, where the ninjas must cross a series of small ledges while hanging sideways on a suspended bar. This obstacle demands incredible balance and coordination.

The fifth obstacle on the course is the Burn Rubber, where the ninjas must jump across a series of floating tires. This obstacle has been featured in previous seasons but has been tweaked and made more difficult this year.

Next up is the Warped Wall, a classic ninja course obstacle that requires the ninjas to sprint up a curved wall and grab onto the top before pulling themselves up. This obstacle has been a fan-favorite for years due to its iconic status and visual appeal.

Finally, the ninjas are faced with the new Mega Wall, an elevated Warped Wall that offers a cash prize to those who can make it to the top. This massive wall stands at 18 feet tall, making it the tallest Warped Wall in the history of American Ninja Warrior.

Viewers can expect to see a mix of familiar faces and new competitors as they attempt to tackle this demanding course. Some highlights include Jesse Labreck, one of the top females in the competition, and Joe Moravsky, a veteran ninja who holds the record for the most consecutive Salmon Ladder completions with 19.

As always, the competition is fierce, and only the top ninjas will move on to the next round. Who will emerge victorious, and who will fall short of the finish line? Tune in to find out in American Ninja Warrior season 12 episode 5, "Baltimore City Qualifiers."

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  • First Aired
    July 1, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    84 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.7  (21)