Ben 10 Season 2 Episode 1
Ben 10
Season 2

Ep 1. Out to Launch

  • October 23, 2017
  • 2.9  (54)

Ben 10 is a popular children's animated television series which has seen many iterations over the years. The 2016 version is the latest reboot, aimed at introducing a new generation of children to the world of Ben Tennyson and his alien transformations. The second season premiered with an episode titled "Out to Launch," which sees the young hero set off on an adventure to outer space.

The episode opens with Ben, his cousin Gwen, and his grandfather Max, all driving in the Rust Bucket – their trusty camper van – through an arid desert landscape. They're headed to a secret government facility called Fort Knox, where they'll witness the launch of a new rocket that Max has been working on. Ben is excited because he's always dreamed of going to space, and he's hoping to get a chance to explore a little while they're up there.

When they arrive at Fort Knox, they meet up with some of Max's old colleagues from his days in the Air Force. They're a gruff bunch, but there's a sense of camaraderie between them and Max. Ben and Gwen are introduced to the team and get to explore the facility a little before the launch. They're impressed by the size and complexity of the rocket, which looks like something out of a sci-fi movie.

As they're watching the countdown to liftoff, Ben suddenly gets a strange sensation. It's the same feeling he gets when he's about to transform into an alien, but he can't figure out why. Before he has time to investigate further, the rocket takes off, and they're all propelled into space.

At first, everyone is thrilled by the experience of zero gravity and the stunning views of the Earth from above. But then they start to notice something strange – the space around them seems to be alive with energy, and it's affecting the systems on the rocket. Soon, they're in danger of losing control of the craft.

Ben jumps into action, switching into his alien form to try and fix the problems. However, things quickly go from bad to worse, as the rocket is sucked into a vortex of energy and hurtled toward an unknown planet. On the way down, they encounter incredible creatures and landscapes, including giant worms that burrow through the ground and huge floating crystals.

Once they crash land on the planet, the team realizes they're in a dangerous situation. They're far from home and have no idea where they are or how to get back. To make matters worse, they're being pursued by a group of aliens who seem intent on capturing them.

Ben, Gwen, and Max team up with a group of aliens who are living on the planet, and they work together to try and find a way home. Along the way, Ben discovers the source of the strange energy he felt earlier – a mysterious crystal that seems to be the key to everything that's happening.

In the end, the team manages to use the crystal to power a device that allows them to communicate with Earth and get rescued. They wave goodbye to their new alien friends and head back home, safe and sound.

The episode is a thrilling adventure that will keep kids on the edge of their seats. It's full of action, humor, and eye-popping visuals, and it introduces a whole new world of aliens and technology for viewers to explore. Ben 10 continues to be a standout series in the world of children's animation, with each episode offering a new and exciting journey for its young hero and his friends. "Out to Launch" is a great example of what makes the show so entertaining, and it's sure to leave fans eager for more.

Watch Ben 10 - Out to Launch (s2 e1) Online - Watch online anytime: Buy, Rent
Ben 10, Season 2 Episode 1, is available to watch and stream on Cartoon Network. You can also buy, rent Ben 10 on demand at Max, Cartoon Network online.
  • First Aired
    October 23, 2017
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    2.9  (54)