Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman Season 3 Episode 10


  • November 19, 1994
  • 46 min
  • 8.3  (111)

Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman is a period drama television series that aired from 1993 to 1998. Set in the late 1800s, the show follows the life and work of Michaela Quinn, a doctor who moves to the frontier town of Colorado Springs after the death of her father. In season 3 episode 10, titled THANKSGIVING, the town prepares for the annual Thanksgiving celebration.

As the episode opens, we see the townspeople bustling about, making preparations for the feast. Dr. Quinn and her family are among those getting ready, and we quickly see that tensions are high between Michaela and her mother, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, who is visiting from Boston, disapproves of Michaela's life on the frontier and seems determined to interfere with her daughter's relationships and career.

Meanwhile, in town, the preparations for the celebration are causing some tension of their own. The local storekeeper, Loren, is trying to sell a shipment of turkeys to the townspeople, but most of them can't afford it. To make matters worse, an unexpected snowstorm hits, making it even harder for people to travel and prepare for the festivities.

Despite these challenges, the people of Colorado Springs come together to celebrate Thanksgiving in their own way. Dr. Quinn, along with her husband Sully, helps to prepare a meal for the town's less fortunate residents. Meanwhile, the rest of the town gathers for a community meal at the church.

Throughout the episode, we see various conflicts arise and then ultimately be resolved. For example, tensions between Michaela and Elizabeth continue to simmer, but eventually, they are able to work through their issues and find some common ground. Similarly, Loren's turkey troubles are eventually resolved with the help of some unexpected allies.

Overall, THANKSGIVING is a heartwarming and uplifting episode that underscores the importance of community and family, even in the face of hardship. Viewers will enjoy seeing the characters they have grown to love come together to celebrate this important holiday and to help each other through difficult times. Whether you are a fan of the show or just enjoy heartwarming family dramas, this episode is not to be missed.

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Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, Season 3 Episode 10, is available to watch free on Pluto TV and stream on A&E. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman on demand at Amazon Prime online.
  • First Aired
    November 19, 1994
  • Runtime
    46 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.3  (111)