Franklin and Friends Season 1 Episode 3

Ep 3. Franklin and the Mystery of the Berry Bogie/Franklin Sees a Storm

  • TV-Y
  • February 15, 2012
  • 23 min

Franklin and Friends is a Canadian animated television series for children. In season 1 episode 3, titled "Franklin and the Mystery of the Berry Bogie/Franklin Sees a Storm," the beloved turtle Franklin and his friends find themselves in two different adventures.

In "Franklin and the Mystery of the Berry Bogie," Franklin and his friends are excited to go berry picking in a special spot, but they are warned by their parents of a legendary creature known as the Berry Bogie, who is said to haunt the area. Franklin and his friends are initially skeptical about the creature's existence but soon begin to experience strange happenings that make them wonder if the Berry Bogie is real after all. The group decides to investigate the mystery by setting up a trap to try to catch the creature. However, they soon discover that the Berry Bogie isn't quite what they expected.

In "Franklin Sees a Storm," the young turtle finds himself scared of the storm that is brewing outside. His parents reassure him that the storm is a natural occurrence and that there is nothing to be afraid of, but Franklin still can't shake his fear. Franklin's friends come over to play, and they decide to pass the time by creating their own indoor lightning and thunder storm. However, when the power goes out, Franklin's fears return, and his friends work to help him understand that there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Franklin and the Mystery of the Berry Bogie/Franklin Sees a Storm" is an entertaining and educational episode that teaches children about facing their fears and solving mysteries. The animation style and voice acting make the characters come to life, and the soundtrack is engaging and catchy. This episode is sure to keep children entertained while also teaching them valuable life lessons.

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  • First Aired
    February 15, 2012
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language