Haunted Case Files Season 3 Episode 1

Ep 1. Episode 1

  • March 4, 2019

Haunted Case Files is a spine-chilling paranormal investigative series that delves into the stories of people who have experienced terrifying encounters with the supernatural. In season 3 episode 1 titled "Episode 1", we are introduced to a new case that involves a family living in a house that seems to be haunted by some malevolent entity.

The episode begins with a b-roll of the house where the family lived for over a decade. The dark and eerie atmosphere created by the camerawork sets the tone for the rest of the episode. We're then introduced to the family who share their horrific experience with the supernatural.

The father recounts the first time he felt an inexplicable presence in the house. He felt like someone was watching him, and the feeling became so intense that he was compelled to leave the room. Another time, he saw a black figure standing outside his bedroom window. It was a brief sighting, but it was enough to shake him to his core.

The mother also shares her experiences which include seeing a dark figure in the hallway and hearing strange noises coming from the walls. Her daughter, who was a teenager at the time, also experienced something disturbing. She felt an unseen force pulling her out of bed one night and, when she tried to resist it, the force became stronger. Her son also experienced something inexplicable when he saw a figure standing in the corner of his room that vanished as soon as he turned on the light.

The family contacted paranormal investigators to help them with their situation. It's then that we meet the team that consists of a psychic medium, an investigator, and a documentary filmmaker. The psychic medium senses the presence of a dark entity in the house that is causing the disturbances.

The investigators start their investigation by exploring the house and using various equipment to detect paranormal activity. They capture some interesting footage, including an EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) that captures a strange voice saying "Get out". The investigators also set up an experiment where they leave a camera recording in one of the rooms. When they review the footage, they are shocked to see the door opening and closing by itself.

The psychic medium channels the entity and realizes that the entity resents the family because they built the house on top of its burial ground. The family members contact a shaman who performs a ritual to cleanse the house of negative energy. The investigators are also present during the ritual and capture some bizarre phenomena, such as the sound of footsteps and voices coming from empty rooms.

After the cleansing, the family members feel a sense of relief and no longer experience disturbances in the house. The episode ends with a recap of the case and a teaser for upcoming episodes.

In conclusion, Haunted Case Files season 3 episode 1 "Episode 1" presents an intriguing case of a haunted house and a family tormented by an unknown entity. The show combines interviews with family members, paranormal investigators, and psychic mediums to provide a complete picture of the supernatural and the people who experience it. The show builds suspense and creates an unsettling atmosphere that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. If you're a fan of paranormal investigations, Haunted Case Files is a must-watch show.

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  • First Aired
    March 4, 2019
  • Language