Heartland Season 1 Episode 4
Season 1

Ep 4. Taking Chances

  • TVPG
  • 45 min
  • 8.0  (246)

Taking Chances is the fourth episode of Heartland's first season. The episode follows Amy, a young woman who runs a horse ranch with her family, as she struggles to train a wild horse named Spartan. Spartan is skittish and refuses to trust anyone, making him difficult to approach or train. Despite Amy's best efforts, the horse remains uncooperative, and she begins to feel frustrated and helpless.

Meanwhile, Lou and Tim, Amy's older sister and father, embark on a new business venture. Tim has purchased an old truck and is fixing it up with the intention of turning it into a mobile restaurant. The two of them spend much of the episode bickering over menu items and pricing, with Lou feeling like Tim is taking over the project and ignoring her ideas. However, by the end of the episode, they are able to come to a compromise and work together to get the truck ready for service.

As Amy continues to work with Spartan, Jack, her grandfather and the patriarch of the family, offers her some words of wisdom. He tells her that sometimes, it's necessary to take risks and not give up on a horse, even if it seems like there's no progress being made. Amy takes this advice to heart and decides to try a new approach with Spartan, one that involves getting him used to being around people in small doses.

Finally, towards the end of the episode, Amy's hard work with Spartan starts to pay off. The horse begins to trust her and relax in her presence, and she's able to get him to follow her commands. There's a sense of triumph and relief as she leads him around the ranch, and it's clear that she's formed a special bond with him. The episode ends on a hopeful note, with Amy feeling accomplished and closer to her horse than ever before.

Overall, Taking Chances is a heartwarming episode that showcases the power of patience and perseverance when it comes to training animals. It also highlights the importance of communication and compromise in business partnerships and family relationships. Fans of Heartland will enjoy the episode's focus on character development and emotional growth, as well as its picturesque rural setting and charming cast of characters.

Watch Heartland - Taking Chances (s1 e4) Online - Watch online anytime: Stream, Download, Buy, Rent
Heartland, Season 1 Episode 4, is available to watch free on Crackle, Tubi TV, BYUtv, Pluto TV, Peacock, Plex and stream on CBC. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Heartland on demand at Apple TV Channels, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, Vudu, Google Play, Apple TV online.
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    45 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.0  (246)