Inazuma Eleven Season 3 Episode 23
Inazuma Eleven
Season 3

Ep 23.

  • July 7, 2010
  • 23 min
  •   (14)

Inazuma Eleven is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of a young soccer player named Mark Evans and his team, Raimon Junior High. In season 3, episode 23, titled "The Approaching Wall", the team is preparing to face off against their toughest opponent yet, Zeus Junior High.

The episode begins with Mark and his teammates discussing their training regimen, with some members feeling like they need to work harder to improve their skills. Meanwhile, the captain of Zeus Junior High, Gran, is shown devising strategies with his team to defeat Raimon.

As the match begins, Raimon quickly realizes that Zeus Junior High is a formidable opponent. Their defense is impenetrable, and their offense is incredibly fast and precise. Mark and his teammates struggle to keep up with their opponents, with several near misses and close calls.

Despite the odds being against them, Raimon doesn't give up. They continue to fight, using clever plays and teamwork to try and break through Zeus's impenetrable defense. At one point, Mark unleashes his powerful move, Majin The Hand, to stop a shot from Zeus's star player, but even that isn't enough to turn the tide of the game.

As the match progresses, tensions rise on both sides. Raimon becomes increasingly frustrated by Zeus's seemingly unbeatable defense, while Zeus grows increasingly confident in their ability to win. However, in the midst of all the chaos, Mark and his teammates never lose sight of why they love soccer. They continue to play with heart and determination, refusing to give up even when all seems lost.

The episode ends with a cliffhanger, leaving the viewer wondering what will happen in the next episode. Will Raimon be able to break through Zeus's defense and score the winning goal? Or will Zeus emerge victorious, crushing the hopes and dreams of Mark and his teammates? Only time will tell in this thrilling and emotional anime series.

Overall, Inazuma Eleven season 3 episode 23 is an action-packed, intense episode that showcases the strengths and weaknesses of both teams. With well-choreographed soccer gameplay, relatable character arcs, and a healthy dose of drama, it's no wonder why this show has become a fan-favorite among anime and sports enthusiasts alike.

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  • First Aired
    July 7, 2010
  • Runtime
    23 min
  • Language