Inazuma Eleven

Watch Inazuma Eleven

  • TV-Y7
  • 2008
  • 3 Seasons
  • 8.1  (2,727)

Inazuma Eleven is a popular anime television series that aired on TV Tokyo between 2008 and 2011. The show is based around the concept of soccer or football, and follows the story of a young boy, Mamoru Endo, who is an enthusiastic soccer player and leads his school's soccer club called Raimon Junior High. The story takes place in a world where soccer is not only a popular sport but also has special powers, known as techniques, that can be used to score goals.

As the story progresses, Mamoru gets involved in the plot to save his school's soccer team from being disbanded due to the lack of interest from the other members. He discovers that the school's soccer club has been infiltrated by an evil organization which intends to destroy the schools and take over their soccer power. Mamoru and his friends embarks on a journey to beat the other school's soccer team so that their own school can continue playing soccer and further develop their skills.

Throughout the show, Mamoru and his team learn different techniques and strategies to enhance their soccer skills. They also learn about the importance of teamwork and supporting each other to achieve their goals. There are several other characters in the show, including the rival teams, that the viewers gets to know as well.

One of the unique features of Inazuma Eleven is the concept of "hissatsu" or special techniques that the soccer players are able to use during a match. Each character has their own special ability, which they use to score goals or defend their team. These abilities are not restricted solely to soccer players, but other aspects of the show such as cooking, music and even academics also have their own techniques. This brings a level of creativity to the show and makes it stand out.

The characters themselves stand out as well. Mamoru is the main protagonist of the show and is determined to do anything to save his school's soccer club. He comes off as a bit naive at times but his dedication to his team is admirable. The other members of his team, such as Shuuya and Kazemaru, are also skilled players and play critical roles in the team's success.

Another notable character worth mentioning is Kageyama Reiji, the main antagonist of the show. He serves as a formidable foe who is determined to take over the soccer world. However, as the show progresses, his backstory and motivation are revealed, making him a more complex and interesting character.

The animation style of Inazuma Eleven is quite different from other anime. It uses a cel-shaded technique where the computer graphics are made to look like traditional hand-drawn animation. This gives the show a unique look that sets it apart from other anime.

In terms of music, the show features several catchy and upbeat tracks which are used during matches and other important scenes. The soundtrack is composed by Toshihiko Sahashi, who is known for his work on other popular anime shows.

Overall, Inazuma Eleven is a fun and entertaining sports anime that has garnered a dedicated fanbase over the years. It combines elements of soccer, fantasy and team spirit to create a unique and memorable viewing experience. Fans of sports anime should definitely give Inazuma Eleven a watch.

Inazuma Eleven is a series that is currently running and has 3 seasons (128 episodes). The series first aired on October 5, 2008.

Inazuma Eleven
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A Kick-Off Towards Tomorrow
60. A Kick-Off Towards Tomorrow
January 1, 2017
Nobody wanted to miss Mark and his friends' last High School game. There are so many memories, so many experiences around the ball that it is tough to have them end. But if there is something everybody knows it is that no matter where Mark Evans or Raimon would be, there will be football and adventures for everyone!
Tears In The Graduation!
59. Tears In The Graduation!
January 1, 2017
It's been months since the finals, and Mark Evans and his friends' graduation ceremony has arrived. With everyone moving onto newer things in their lives, Mark and his friends have decided to keep the Raimon football club going with new players. Nothing better than a good old fashion football game.
The End At Last! The Best In The World!
58. The End At Last! The Best In The World!
January 1, 2017
The game is in its last minutes, the players' forces are running down. It is the moment of what's really important and what's really at stake. Inazuma National's coach most usual advice: Have Fun!!
Final Duel At The Summit: Little Giants! Part 2
57. Final Duel At The Summit: Little Giants! Part 2
January 1, 2017
If our friends of Inazuma National thought the finals was already over, how wrong they were. David Evans and Hector Helios still keep an ace in their sleeves which will put Mark and his friends in a very tight spot! How will Inazuma National answer to this challenge that seems to have no end?
March 23, 2011
La final est
Inazuma National's Final Showdown
55. Inazuma National's Final Showdown
January 1, 2017
The day has arrived! FFI finals have started! Both teams will play their trump cards, including some unexpected ones. Despite all their preparations, the game will not be as Mark and his friends expect!
Eleven Mottos To Win The World!
54. Eleven Mottos To Win The World!
January 1, 2017
Once solved the physical question, it is time for mind preparation: Inazuma National must be as sure of their victory as their rivals are! And once more, Mark and his friends will find the answers in a notebook written by David Evans a long time ago. There are eleven mottos for the team's eleven players.
Special Friendly Training With Paolo!
53. Special Friendly Training With Paolo!
January 1, 2017
Inazuma National should train more and better than never if they want to be ready for the finals. But training is not the same as a real game, so that's what Paolo and Orpheus are for. They will play Little Giant's role and if our heroes can surpass them, the road to victory might be a little more clear!
The Strongest Rival!
52. The Strongest Rival!
January 1, 2017
After so many years of separation, Mark and his grandfather can talk at last. It's quite more than a mere reunion between grandchild and grandparent, but it also means knowing the coach and the main player of the team he will play against in the finals.
The Frightful Zoolan Team!
51. The Frightful Zoolan Team!
January 1, 2017
Rice's reinforced humans team is causing serious problems for Inazuma National. Mark's old super techniques seems to have no effect. He must find a new one and receives some unexpected help.
The Attack of The Ultimate Reinforced Humans!
50. The Attack of The Ultimate Reinforced Humans!
January 1, 2017
Zoolan Rice is back! But now his anger is towards Little Giants and their coach. He gathered a group of very special players to trash them all. But it is Mark and the rest of Inazuma National will come in Rice's way once more. Will they be enough to stop this reinforced team?
Little Giants' Marvel!
49. Little Giants' Marvel!
January 1, 2017
After Inazuma National's semi-finals, it is time to play Paolo's team. Orpheus seems to be the favorite but their rivals overwhelm them. Now Inazuma National should discover who those Little Giants really are or why Nelly Raimon is helping them. Maybe the answer lies in their unusual coach. Mark thinks he may know him from somewhere else.
The Counter Attack of The Kings of Football!
48. The Counter Attack of The Kings of Football!
January 1, 2017
Zoolan rice is already out of The Kingdom. Mac Robingo and his friends are free to play as they really know how. The challenge for Mark, Thor, and everyone suddenly grows. They should use every Super Technique they know to reach that spot in Football Frontier International's final game. There is someone waiting for them there.
Inazuma National vs The Kingdom
47. Inazuma National vs The Kingdom
January 1, 2017
Mac Robingo decided to summit himself to Rice's program to protect his friends, even if the price to may be too high. Even if his team mates are not willing to accept his sacrifice, what can they do? What can Inazuma National do to stop this? Help may be on its way.
Zoolan Rice's Conspiration
46. Zoolan Rice's Conspiration
January 1, 2017
The Kingdom's coach is a very powerful man, both inside and outside the football world. His shadow seems to reach every corner and it's turning his team's beautiful game into something else. Our heroes now face a hideous dilemma: letting Rice have his way or playing at their best to set Robingo and his team mates free from their own coach's menace.
The Kingdom's Darkness!
45. The Kingdom's Darkness!
January 1, 2017
When the adventure is over, FFI comes back with the semi-final between Inazuma National and The Kingdom, one the strongest teams in the world. But why would Mac Robingo, The Kingdom's captain, ask Mark such an unbelievable favor? When Mark and his friends do some research, they discover there are many strange things about The Kingdom and their powerful coach.
Dark Angel: The Demon King Arrives!
44. Dark Angel: The Demon King Arrives!
January 1, 2017
Danger seemed to be over, but quite the opposite. The teams our heroes played against are now fused into one and might have terrible consequences. mark and his friends should make people from the skies and the depths understand what the real meaning of football is.
Devil Army Z!
43. Devil Army Z!
January 1, 2017
Jude and his team descend through the mountain to rescue his sister. But the only way to do so is through a football game. Between flames and heat a football game will take place where players from all the countries play against the dwellers of Demon's Gate to save Celia. Will our heroes make it?
Apostles From The Sky!
42. Apostles From The Sky!
January 1, 2017
Heaven's Garden & Demon's Gate dwellers took Sue and Celia away to fulfill their prophecies. Of course, our friends are not willing to let them have their way, so they part to rescue the girls. Mark;s team will go up to take Sue back, which means playing against Heaven's Garden's players and their captain Sanctus.
The Legend of Liocott!
41. The Legend of Liocott!
January 1, 2017
Legend says that long time ago, dwellers from the skies and the depths fought in Liocott Island in awesome football games. And the legend says they are about to come back. Of course, it's nothing but a tale for kids. But when they sky suddenly darken while training and some mysterious people face our heroes, maybe they were not tales after all...
Grandpa's Last Notebook
40. Grandpa's Last Notebook
January 1, 2017
Last game's results made Inazuma National players to follow closely their group's last game. It is not strange that the arrival of David Evans' last notebook went almost unnoticed. Instead of hints for a Super Technique there are "hints for the heart". Also, nobody noticed that Inazuma National's biggest fans have arrived to the Liocott Island too
Ray Dark's Last Challenge
39. Ray Dark's Last Challenge
January 1, 2017
Orpheus' captain arrival gave new strength to Mark's rivals, putting our heroes in a tight spot. But in this game there are more things at stake than reaching the final stage. The most important of them is Ray Dark a.k.a. Mister D, will release from the darkness he lived in and make it up with his past.
Explosive Showdown! Paolo vs mark
38. Explosive Showdown! Paolo vs mark
January 1, 2017
The showdown between Inazuma National and Orpheus is an exciting one since Paolo Bianchi and the rest of Italian players rallied around Mister D. Catenacchio Counter, their new special tactic, seems unbeatable, specially since the real Orpheus' captain joins the game.
Catenacchio Counter! The Most Powerful Special Tactic!
37. Catenacchio Counter! The Most Powerful Special Tactic!
January 1, 2017
Biggest showdown in the Orpheus vs Inazuma National's game is not about the teams, but about how to answer to Ray Dar's presence. While some distrust and fear him, others have seen what his work can do and are ready to believe in him. Italian team's reaction against Mark and the others depend on this.
Just One Step From The Final Stage! Paolo's Resolution!
36. Just One Step From The Final Stage! Paolo's Resolution!
January 1, 2017
The match against Orpheus will be decisive to reach FFI's final stage. Nobody doubt the quality of Paolo and the rest of the Italian players, but the biggest mystery is Orpheus' coach, Mister D. They find it quite difficult to trust him knowing who he is and what he has done.
Recovered Memories! The Truth About Cammy!
35. Recovered Memories! The Truth About Cammy!
January 1, 2017
Now that the team is training at full force, getting ready for the last game of the first stage, tension affects Cammy. Little by little, her memories start breaking the barriers within her mind. Can her friends help her to cope with the secret of her life?
What a Crash! Tiger And Hawk!
34. What a Crash! Tiger And Hawk!
January 1, 2017
It's always tough being far from home, even if your friends are by your side. Some people get eased with home letters, some the opposite. Rookie Austin starts to behave strangely, maybe Archer, the other rookie in the team, in the only one who can really understand and help him to overcome it.
Meeting With Kappas. What a shock!
33. Meeting With Kappas. What a shock!
January 1, 2017
Fairytales little imps called 'Kappas' who live by the ponds. Mark says he did see one, but nobody believes him. When Xavier and Scotty meet two very strange boys in the middle of the forest, maybe they should have paid more attention to their captain's words...
Phoenix's Resolution
32. Phoenix's Resolution
January 1, 2017
The match between Inazuma National and Unicorn is nearing its end. Unicorn's special tactic seems unbeatable, but neither Mark nor Inazuma National thinks about giving up. And when the game ends, the best reward will be known that they will meet again.
Full Throttle Friendship! Erik vs Mark!
31. Full Throttle Friendship! Erik vs Mark!
January 1, 2017
Erik is playing like never before against his former team mates, even if it is for a reason he doesn't want to tell anyone. When Mark's family learn what's happening, he decides to answer Erik's courage with his own. The best gift to someone who is playing at their fullest, is playing at your fullest too!
Erik's Last Kick-Off!
30. Erik's Last Kick-Off!
January 1, 2017
Next team to play against Inazuma National is Unicorn, the team from the US, where their former team mates Erik and Bobby play. The game should be exciting... if those two were not acting so strange. What could they be hiding from their old pals?
Cammy's Secret
29. Cammy's Secret
January 1, 2017
The match against The Empire bring some changes to the team and the players. Now that they have some rest before the next game, it's time to have a little break, or watch how their other rivals are doing. Just then Mark is about to learn what's behind Cammy Travis.
Desperate Situation! Inazuma National's Defeat?
28. Desperate Situation! Inazuma National's Defeat?
January 1, 2017
The game can not get any worse for Inazuma National: not only did they miss several key players but their rival's defense gives them no chance to score. If they really want to win, they should show that the team's spirit lies within every one of them, not just Mark.
The Impregnable Fortress!
27. The Impregnable Fortress!
January 1, 2017
Just when everything seemed solved, our heroes find that the Argentine match has been put forward. Now Inazuma National is about to face a tough game against a team famous for its defense while missing four of their key players and their coach.
The Biggest Clash! Penguin vs Penguin!
26. The Biggest Clash! Penguin vs Penguin!
January 1, 2017
In this match, three big showdowns are taking place: Orpheus vs Team D, Jude vs Giulio (Jude's copycat) and former Royal Academy's players vs Ray Dark's threat. To achieve victory, they should win every one of them. But at what price?
Awesome! There Are Two Judges!
25. Awesome! There Are Two Judges!
January 1, 2017
Our fiends set to help the Italian players against the new coach's team, Team D. But when they enter into the field, they are surprised to see that Mister D's team has a 'Jude' of their own; even his Super Technique is similar!
Royals's Curse! Part 2
24. Royals's Curse! Part 2
January 1, 2017
While Jude and the others look for Ray Dark, Italy's national team have a new coach who decides to change their team for his. Original players who decide not to leave the tournament, challenge the new coach...and accidents begin. What is this man, Mister D, hiding?
July 7, 2010
Mientras Darren sigue buscando su nueva supert
Let's Go Beyond Mugen: The Hand
22. Let's Go Beyond Mugen: The Hand
January 1, 2017
Tournament does not give a chance to breathe. As soon a game is over, they have to start training for the next. Now that Mark did surpass his old Super Technique, Darren thinks he is getting behind, so he have to do the same as Mark with the help of his team mates.
At Last Finished! My Own Technique
21. At Last Finished! My Own Technique
January 1, 2017
The match is as tough as it seemed from the very beginning: Knights of Queen's Techniques are hurting Inazuma National bad. Specially when Mark can not stop their shots with his old techniques. Maybe it's time to forget everything he knows and try something absolutely new.
Knights of Queen, England's Knights!
20. Knights of Queen, England's Knights!
January 1, 2017
Inazuma National's first opponent: Knights of Queen. The 'English Knights' will not be an easy match for our heroes as they have more football experience and tradition. How will Inazuma National answer to the pressure?
What a Shock! This Is Playing At World Level!
19. What a Shock! This Is Playing At World Level!
January 1, 2017
The teams have been divided into two groups and Inazuma National have their opponents. Before the real match starts, Mark will get a chance to watch their opponent in action and it feel to play at the world level, the highest of them all.
Here Is The World Tournament!
18. Here Is The World Tournament!
January 1, 2017
Inazuma National made the Football Frontier Internationals. The team will fly to the island of Liocott where the competition will take place. The team will meat new and old friends and possibly future rivals. Even Mark will have something that might change everything he believed in until then.
Lets Take The Ticket For The Finals!
17. Lets Take The Ticket For The Finals!
January 1, 2017
In order for the team's revolution to work, some players need to let go of the fear and distrust that held them down. If Inazuma national wants to be in the Football Frontier International, they must give it all they've got to beat the Fire Dragons!
Rise, Captain!
16. Rise, Captain!
January 1, 2017
It is time to take measures to help Inazuma National out of the tight spot they are in. While Mark Evans thinks of a solution, Caleb Stonewall, Inazuma National's most controversial player, enters the field. How will the team perceive him?
An Unbeatable Strategy: Perfect Zone Press!!
15. An Unbeatable Strategy: Perfect Zone Press!!
January 1, 2017
Inazuma National is leading on the scoreboard, but now their rivals have started their famous strategy that won them many victories, the Perfect Zone Press. Things do not look good for our heroes. The very best spirit of the team is still on the bench...
Asia Strongest: Fire Dragons!
14. Asia Strongest: Fire Dragons!
January 1, 2017
Finals against Korea is a very special game. Noe even more so as some old acquaintances are present in the Korean team. But no matter how dangerous they might be, the biggest threat is the captain, the 'Dragon Tamer'.
The Last Match
13. The Last Match
January 1, 2017
After his father's disapproval, Axel agrees to drop football as soon as the qualifiers are over. But his departure will affect the team's condition, specially Mark, who is already shocked after getting a stranger letter from an unexpected sender.
Axel's Decision
12. Axel's Decision
January 1, 2017
Asian qualifiers final is getting near, the whole team is getting ready for this final challenge and new Super-Techniques are being developed to fight their rivals. But Axel Blaze realizes that maybe he will not follow his friends and team mates.
Cammy's Plan For a New Super-Technique
11. Cammy's Plan For a New Super-Technique
January 1, 2017
Mark needs a new Super-Technique and is worried that he won't be able to come up with anything. Cammy is worried over Mark's concern. Sue will exploit both worries to make up a story that will lead to the strangest date in history...
Ultimate Challenge! Percy Travis' Japan Against Lina Schiller's!
10. Ultimate Challenge! Percy Travis' Japan Against Lina Schiller's!
January 1, 2017
Neo National Team are set to take Inazuma National's place putting our heroes in a predicament. Not only have they mastered the Super-Techniques, which have caused a lot of problems for our heroes in the past, but have also improved their skills to a level never before seen.
Team Change? The Biggest Challenge!
9. Team Change? The Biggest Challenge!
January 1, 2017
Inazuma National gets an unexpected visit from former Raimon Eleven's coach, Lina Schiller. By her side is the "Neo National' team. A team made from former members who never made the National team. Their goal? To replace our heroes at the Football Frontier International!
What a Clash: Mark VS Archer!
8. What a Clash: Mark VS Archer!
January 1, 2017
Archer Hawkins, Inazuma National's strangest member of the team. It looks like he had never played football before and yet he is on the team. Mark insists on learning more about him but will need the help of former Raimon's coach.
Austin's Awaking Hour!
7. Austin's Awaking Hour!
January 1, 2017
The Qatar Desert Lions are wearing Inazuma National's stamina out little by little. Coach Travis' answer is clear. The fate of Inazuma National depends on Austin's final step!
Desert Lions! Some Ardent Fighters!
6. Desert Lions! Some Ardent Fighters!
January 1, 2017
Our heroes will be facing the Desert Lions. A team known for their stamina. Inazuma National should reinforce these features within their team if they ever want to win! But why is one of the players always leaving training early?
Let's Overcome The Big Wave!
5. Let's Overcome The Big Wave!
January 1, 2017
First world challenge is as tough as they expected. The strong Australian defense prevent Japan players to move freely. They have been practicing for days against this kind of game. Besides, if there are Big Waves, Inazuma National has their own footballer-surfer.
The Curtain Is Lifted! World's Challenge!
4. The Curtain Is Lifted! World's Challenge!
January 1, 2017
If Inazuma National want to play at the Football Frontier International, they must win the regional qualifiers. Their first rival are Australia National team Big Waves whom plays as well as a fish swims. But our heroes are confined to their rooms. 'Fish tanked' until the day of the game.
The Cursed Coach
3. The Cursed Coach
January 1, 2017
Inazuma National Team players are bewildered with their new coach Percival Travis. Percival was not impressed with his team saying they have no skills to play the world. Some very strange rumors were circulating about their new coach.
February 10, 2010
Los mejores jugadores del pa
National Team Re-Union!
1. National Team Re-Union!
January 1, 2017
After playing on a Space lever, It is time to play the World. A new tournament will gather the best players from the best team. In order to reach there, they will need to build a great National Team.
Where to Watch Inazuma Eleven
Inazuma Eleven is available for streaming on the TV Tokyo website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Inazuma Eleven on demand at Netflix and Amazon.
  • Premiere Date
    October 5, 2008
  • IMDB Rating
    8.1  (2,727)