Watch Injustice
- 2011
- 1 Season
7.3 (2,266)
Injustice is a gripping crime drama television series that aired on ITV1 in 2011. The show follows the story of Detective Sergeant Mark Wenborn (Charlie Creed-Miles) who is investigating the case of a wealthy businessman named William Travers (James Purefoy) who is accused of murder. As the investigation unfolds, Wenborn discovers a web of lies and deceit that runs deep within Traversâ personal and professional life.
Set in London, the show explores the complex legal and ethical issues surrounding the investigation, taking viewers on a journey through the intricate workings of the justice system. Wenborn is portrayed as a meticulous and dedicated detective, who must navigate through a myriad of obstacles to bring Travers to justice.
As the investigation progresses, Wenborn finds himself entangled in a complex web of relationships between Travers, his wife, and his business associates. Injustice highlights the intricate political and social power struggles that often take place behind closed doors and gives viewers a glimpse into the dark side of human nature.
The casting is exceptional, with all actors bringing their A-game to their respective roles. The standout performance is James Purefoyâs portrayal of Travers, which is nothing short of mesmerizing. Purefoy effectively portrays the nuances of a man who is desperate to keep his image and reputation intact, despite the mounting evidence against him.
Nathaniel Parkerâs portrayal of Martin Newall, Traversâ lead defense attorney, is another highlight of the show. Parker effortlessly brings across the character's sheer ruthlessness in his attempt to extricate Travers from the case. The character serves as a foil to Wenbornâs detective, highlighting the power struggles that often take place within the justice system.
The showâs cinematography is also exceptional, with stunning shots of Londonâs bustling streets and sprawling skylines. The use of lighting and coloring in the show is also noteworthy, with contrasting settings used to highlight the polar opposites of the charactersâ lives.
Injustice is a gripping drama that explores the ins and outs of the justice system and the social and political nuances that come with it. The showâs storyline is both intelligent and thought-provoking, and the cast delivers performances that make the characters seem real and multidimensional. The show's themes are relevant to today's world and provide keen insights into the workings of the social elite and justice figures.
In conclusion, Injustice is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys intelligent and thought-provoking crime dramas that are rich in social and political commentary. The show's excellent cast, mesmerizing storyline, and stunning cinematography make it an engaging and enthralling watch from start to finish.
Injustice is a series that ran for 1 seasons (13 episodes) between June 6, 2011 and on ITV1