Natsume Yujincho Season 1 Episode 14
Natsume Yujincho
Season 1

Ep 14. Stolen Book Of Friends

  • January 12, 2009

Natsume Yujincho is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of a teenage boy named Takashi Natsume who has the ability to see spirits and demons that nobody else can see. In season 1 episode 14, titled "Stolen Book Of Friends," the story revolves around Natsume's possession of a magical book called the Book of Friends. The Book of Friends contains the names of many powerful spirits whom Natsume has befriended over time. These spirits can be summoned and controlled by whoever possesses the book. Therefore, many demons and spirits want to obtain this book because of the power it holds.

The episode begins with Natsume receiving a call from Natori, a fellow exorcist, who informs him that the Book of Friends has been stolen by an unknown entity. Natori is worried that if the book falls into the wrong hands, the consequences could be severe. He decides to help Natsume retrieve the stolen book, but they both know that it's not going to be easy.

Natsume and Natori decide to investigate the matter themselves by following footprints left in the forest to find the thief. They come across a little girl who is crying and carrying the Book of Friends. She tells them that she didn't steal the book but rather rescued it from the thief who was trying to sell it to the highest bidder. Natsume and Natori decide to help her keep the book safe and try to figure out who the thief is.

As they continue their search, they come across an abandoned mansion where the thief is keeping the stolen objects. Natsume and Natori sneak into the mansion and find the thief's room full of stolen items, including the Book of Friends. Suddenly, the thief interrupts them, and a fight ensues. Natsume and Natori use their exorcist abilities to overpower the thief, and they successfully retrieve the Book of Friends.

However, the thief is not willing to let go of the book so easily. He reveals that he was hired by someone to steal the book and is afraid of the consequences if the job is not completed. It is revealed that the person who hired the thief is one of the exorcist's clients who wants to obtain the Book of Friends to control the spirits and demons for their evil purposes.

Natsume and Natori realize that they have to be careful, as the client is powerful and could be dangerous. They also know that they can't let the Book of Friends fall into the wrong hands no matter what happens.

As the episode comes to an end, Natsume and Natori come up with a plan to ensure that the Book of Friends remains safe. They set a trap for the thief and the client and are successful in ensuring that the book is safe from harm. With the book returned to its rightful place and in Natsume's possession, he continues his journey to help the spirits he befriended and battle any demon that may come his way.

In conclusion, "Stolen Book Of Friends" is an engaging episode that keeps the audience on their feet. It showcases the dangers that come with Natsume's power and how he must navigate through different obstacles to keep himself and those he cares for safe. The episode also brings to light the moral dilemma that comes with power and how it can be used for either good or evil.

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  • First Aired
    January 12, 2009
  • Language