Pokemon Season 15 Episode 41
Season 15

Ep 41. Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!

  • TVY7
  • 1260 min

Ash and his friends are still traversing through Unova and continuing their adventure. This time, they decide to take a break from their journey and enjoy some downtime on a beach. However, they soon discover that trouble is brewing when they spot a group of Dragonite causing havoc on the beach.

One of the Dragonite, in particular, is causing more destruction than the others and seems to be going rogue. The gang watches from afar as he rips up beach umbrellas, topples over chairs, and even starts attacking a nearby Ferris wheel. As they try to figure out why this Dragonite is so out-of-control, they soon realize that they may be dealing with a much larger problem than they originally anticipated.

As they search for answers, the group learns that the Dragonite's trainer, a young girl named Iris, is missing. Iris, who is a Dragon-type trainer and a friend of Ash's, took it upon herself to train the rogue Dragonite in the hopes of helping it control its destructive behavior. However, it seems like her training may not have gone as planned, and now the Dragonite is on the loose.

Ash and his friends decide to help Iris find her missing Dragonite and put a stop to the destruction it's causing. Along the way, they discover that there may be more to the story than just a poorly trained Dragonite. They come across a group of villains known as Team Rocket, who seem to be involved in the chaos.

With the help of some new friends and beloved old ones, the group embarks on a mission to rescue Iris's Dragonite and put a stop to Team Rocket's plans. As they get closer to their goal, they discover that there may be more at stake than just a rogue Dragonite. They may be on the brink of uncovering a dangerous plot that could put all of their lives in danger.

As the episode progresses, the tension mounts, and the stakes get higher. The group must use all their skills and knowledge to outsmart the villains and save the day. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about loyalty, friendship, and never giving up.

In the end, the group is successful in their mission thanks to their teamwork and determination. Iris and her Dragonite are reunited, and the beach is saved from further destruction. However, the group knows that there will always be new adventures and challenges waiting for them on their journey, and they are ready for whatever comes their way.

Overall, Pokemon Season 15 Episode 41 "Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!" is a thrilling and action-packed episode full of suspense, adventure, and heartwarming moments. It is a must-watch for all Pokemon fans, and it showcases the best of what this iconic franchise has to offer.

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  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    1260 min
  • Language