Rachael Ray Season 13 Episode 86
Rachael Ray
Season 13

Ep 86. You Know About Meal Prep in the Kitchen -- but What About in Your Closet?!

  • TVG
  • January 29, 2019

In season 13 episode 86 of Rachael Ray, titled "You Know About Meal Prep in the Kitchen -- but What About in Your Closet?!", Rachael takes a unique approach to meal prep by applying it to clothing organization. The episode focuses on the importance of preparing and planning ahead in order to avoid wardrobe-related stress and maximize time and energy.

Rachael starts the show by chatting with two guests who have trouble keeping their closets clean and organized. She helps them figure out their needs and priorities, as well as some useful tips for sorting, decluttering, and storing their clothes. The guests share their challenges and struggles with managing their wardrobes, such as dealing with limited space, mismatched hangers, and excess items that they never wear. Rachael offers practical solutions, such as using vertical space, color-coding, and labeling, to make their closets more functional and efficient.

Next, Rachael welcomes a special guest who is a fashion expert and influencer. The guest shares her own story of how she transitioned from a cluttered and chaotic closet to a well-organized and curated one, using the principles of meal prep. She explains how she applies the concept of batching to her clothing, by grouping similar items together and creating outfits in advance. This way, she saves time and avoids decision fatigue in the morning, while also feeling confident and stylish. The guest demonstrates some of her favorite meal prep hacks for wardrobe, such as utilizing clear containers, taking inventory, and setting aside seasonal items.

Rachael and the guest then take on a fun and interactive challenge, where they help a viewer who is struggling with a closet that's constantly overflowing and disorganized. They walk through the viewer's closet step by step, identifying the problem areas and offering personalized tips and tricks. They also show the viewer how to incorporate some healthy habits and routines into her clothing management, such as doing a weekly wardrobe audit and setting realistic goals for purging and shopping. The viewer is amazed at the difference that a little bit of meal prep can make in her closet, and thanks Rachael and the guest for their inspiration and guidance.

Throughout the episode, Rachael also shares her own experiences and insights about meal prep and closet management, based on her years of cooking and organizing expertise. She emphasizes the importance of being intentional and mindful about how we consume and care for our clothes, just like we do with our food. She encourages viewers to think of their closet as a source of creativity, joy, and self-expression, and to take advantage of the benefits of meal prep in this context.

Overall, "You Know About Meal Prep in the Kitchen -- but What About in Your Closet?!" is a fun and informative episode that showcases the power of applying meal prep principles to a new area of life. Whether you're a fashionista or just someone who wants to simplify and streamline your wardrobe, this episode has something for you. Rachael and her guests provide practical advice, inspiring stories, and plenty of laughs along the way. Tune in to discover how you can elevate your wardrobe game with some meal prep magic!

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  • First Aired
    January 29, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Language