Rachael Ray Season 16 Episode 31
Rachael Ray
Season 16

Ep 31. Sticky Asian Chicken + Lucy Hale On Her Obsession With Horror Movies

  • February 19, 2020

Rachael Ray season 16 episode 31 features a mouth-watering recipe for Sticky Asian Chicken and an interesting conversation with actress Lucy Hale about her love for horror movies. Viewers are in for a treat as Rachael Ray walks them through the step-by-step recipe for Sticky Asian Chicken, a fan favorite dish that is perfect for any occasion. This delectable recipe is a harmonious mix of savory and sweet flavors that will leave your taste buds satisfied.

As Rachael brings her culinary expertise to the forefront, she shares her insights on the different ingredients and cooking techniques used in the recipe. Her passion for cooking is evident as she describes the process of creating the perfect balance of flavors and texture. Viewers are sure to gain valuable insights from her cooking tips and techniques.

In addition to the culinary delights, this episode also features a fascinating conversation with Lucy Hale, a renowned actress known for her love of horror movies. In the interview, Lucy shares her experiences with horror movies and why she is so drawn to the genre. She delves into the psychology of fear and how horror movies can be a cathartic experience for some people. Viewers are sure to be captivated by her insights and anecdotes.

Throughout the episode, Rachael and Lucy engage in a lively discussion that covers a wide range of topics. From Lucy's acting career to her fascination with horror movies, viewers are treated to an enticing conversation that is both entertaining and informative. Rachael's enthusiasm and genuine interest in Lucy's life and career make for an engaging and enjoyable interview.

Overall, Rachael Ray season 16 episode 31 is a must-watch for fans of the show and anyone looking for culinary inspiration or insights into the world of horror movies. The Sticky Asian Chicken recipe is sure to be a favorite, and Lucy Hale's interview is an intriguing glimpse into her life and career.

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  • First Aired
    February 19, 2020
  • Language