The Rifleman Season 3 Episode 10
The Rifleman
Season 3

Ep 10. The Schoolmaster

  • TVPG
  • November 29, 1960
  • 25 min
  • 7.9  (111)

The Rifleman season 3 episode 10 is named The Schoolmaster and revolves around the arrival of a new schoolteacher in North Fork. Lucas McCain, played by Chuck Connors, is thrilled that his son, Mark, can finally receive a formal education. However, things take a turn for the worse when the schoolteacher, Professor August Bremen, played by Robert Culp, turns out to be a cruel disciplinarian.

Professor Bremen quickly establishes himself as the strictest teacher in town. He belittles his students and punishes them for even the slightest infractions. Lucas tries to reason with him, but the teacher is unyielding. Mark, played by Johnny Crawford, is particularly affected by the teacher's harshness.

The situation comes to a head when Professor Bremen punishes a student for accidentally spilling ink on his desk. He forces the student to do push-ups in front of the entire class until he collapses from exhaustion. The incident sparks outrage among the parents in town, who demand that the teacher be fired.

Lucas tries to convince the townsfolk to give the teacher another chance, arguing that he may have simply been having a bad day. However, his efforts are in vain as the parents band together and storm into the schoolhouse to confront Professor Bremen.

A tense standoff ensues, with the teacher refusing to apologize for his actions. Lucas steps in and tries to reason with him, but the teacher remains stubborn. It is only when Mark intervenes that the situation is diffused.

Mark uses his intelligence and compassion to talk to the teacher and make him understand the error of his ways. He tells the teacher that punishing students for mistakes will only make them afraid to learn. He points out that everyone makes mistakes and that it's important to learn from them instead of being punished.

The teacher eventually relents and apologizes to the students and their parents. He promises to be a better teacher and to work with his students instead of against them.

The episode ends on a positive note as Lucas and Mark walk home from school, discussing the importance of education and the power of forgiveness. It's a heartwarming moment that highlights the bond between father and son and celebrates the values of learning and compassion.

Overall, The Schoolmaster is a memorable and moving episode of The Rifleman that showcases the power of education and the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. It's a must-watch for fans of the show and a timeless message that is still relevant today.

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  • First Aired
    November 29, 1960
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    25 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.9  (111)