The Voice Season 12 Episode 20
The Voice
Season 12

Ep 20. Live Top 12 Eliminations

  • Not Rated
  • April 25, 2017
  • 231 min
  • 6.6  (24)

In The Voice season 12 episode 20, titled "Live Top 12 Eliminations," the stakes are high as the final 12 contestants perform live for America's votes. The top 12 singers, who were chosen by their respective coaches in previous episodes, will showcase their talents and take the stage, hoping to impress both the judges and the audience.

The episode begins with the live performances, where each contestant will sing their hearts out in front of a cheering crowd. The coaches, Jennifer Hudson, Blake Shelton, Miley Cyrus, and Adam Levine, will provide feedback and offer guidance to help their team members deliver unforgettable performances. The singers will pour their hearts into their chosen songs, hoping to garner enough votes from viewers to advance to the next round.

As the performances come to a close, the judges will have the final say in who stays and who goes. The bottom three singers will face elimination, with only one of them being granted a lifeline and a spot in the next round. The tension is palpable as the judges deliberate and make their decisions, knowing they hold the fate of these contestants in their hands.

The episode will feature emotional moments as the eliminated contestants bid farewell and the remaining singers celebrate their success. The coaches will continue to support their teams and offer words of encouragement, hoping to guide them to victory in the coming weeks.

Overall, "Live Top 12 Eliminations" is a thrilling episode of The Voice, filled with live performances, unexpected twists, and unforgettable moments. It showcases the incredible talent and dedication of these singers, as well as the fierce competition that drives them to succeed. Viewers will be on the edge of their seats as the judges make their decisions, eager to see which of these talented singers will continue on to the next round.

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  • First Aired
    April 25, 2017
  • Content Rating
    Not Rated
  • Runtime
    231 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    6.6  (24)