Welcome Back, Kotter Season 1 Episode 8

Ep 8. One of Our Sweathogs Is Missing

  • TV-NR
  • October 28, 1975
  • 25 min
  • 7.6  (60)

In the eighth episode of Welcome Back, Kotter's first season, titled "One of Our Sweathogs Is Missing," the gang gets thrown for a loop when they discover Arnold is nowhere to be found. With his absence unexplained, they become concerned and set out to find him.

Throughout the episode, the group of Sweathogs searches high and low, trying to track down their missing friend. They check all of his usual hangouts, including his basement hideout, the library, the school's gym, and even the local movie theater, but to no avail. Meanwhile, they're forced to attend class without him (much to Mr. Kotter's delight) and struggle to focus on their studies.

As the search carries on, the tension and concern among the group begin to rise. They start to fear the worst, imagining all sorts of potential scenarios. Maybe Arnold has been kidnapped, or perhaps he's run away from home. They even consider the possibility that he's been abducted by aliens. Despite their fears, they refuse to give up the search and continue to investigate.

In the end, the Sweathogs eventually do track Arnold down, but not before a series of misadventures and close calls. Through it all, they learn the importance of sticking together and supporting one another. They also gain a newfound appreciation for their absent friend and the role he plays in their group dynamic.

Overall, "One of Our Sweathogs Is Missing" is a lighthearted but suspenseful episode that showcases the bond between the Sweathogs and their determination to never leave a member behind. With plenty of humor and heart, it's a prime example of what made Welcome Back, Kotter such a beloved show during its original run and why it continues to be a fan favorite to this day.

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Welcome Back, Kotter, Season 1 Episode 8, is available to watch free on Tubi TV and stream on ABC. You can also stream, download, buy, rent Welcome Back, Kotter on demand at Amazon, Vudu, Apple TV online.
  • First Aired
    October 28, 1975
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    25 min
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    7.6  (60)