Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters

Watch Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters

  • 2008
  • 1 Season

Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters is a children's show that has been airing on PBS since 1969. It is an educational show that focuses on teaching children about numbers and letters in a fun, interactive way. The show is designed for preschoolers and early elementary school children, and it features a diverse cast of puppet characters, including Big Bird, Elmo, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. Along with the puppet characters, there are also human characters who interact with the puppets and help to teach the children.

Each episode of Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters focuses on a specific number or letter, and the show is organized to help children learn how to recognize and use them. The show includes songs, skits, and other fun activities that engage the children and make learning enjoyable.

One of the key features of Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters is its use of repetition. Throughout each episode, the focus letter or number is repeated multiple times in different contexts, helping children to remember and recognize it. The show also reinforces basic concepts like counting, addition, and subtraction in a way that is easy for young children to understand.

Another important aspect of the show is its addressing of social issues. Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters teaches children about sharing, cooperation, empathy, and basic social skills, using the characters and their interactions as a way to model positive behaviors.

For instance, in one episode, Elmo and Abby Cadabby learn how to count to five, and they use their newly acquired skills to share five cookies evenly between them. In another episode, the characters talk about how to handle feelings of jealousy when someone else has something they want.

Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters also features guest appearances from celebrities and other notable figures, who help to reinforce the importance of education and literacy. For example, Michelle Obama has appeared on the show multiple times to promote reading and other literacy initiatives.

Overall, Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters is a valuable educational resource for children, parents, and educators alike. With its engaging characters, fun activities, and focus on basic literacy and numeracy skills, the show has helped millions of children around the world learn and grow.

Sesame Street: Numbers and Letters
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The Very End of X
8. The Very End of X
November 21, 2012
When Big Bird and Snuffy host "The Letter of the Day" show, one of the letters breaks and they must figure out what it was.
Tribute to Number Seven
7. Tribute to Number Seven
January 27, 2010
Today is the number seven day on Sesame Street! Rosita, Abby and Zoe begin singing about the number seven as they count seven dancing chickens.
Inspected By 4
6. Inspected By 4
January 1, 2010
Leela, Telly, and Elmo are folding clothes in the laundromat when Inspector 4 comes along to inspect for things that are in groups of four.
The Counting Booth
5. The Counting Booth
January 25, 2010
The Count has to leave his Counting Booth and has no one to watch it while he's gone, so Elmo and Abby agree to help out.
The Planet G
4. The Planet G
January 21, 2010
Elmo has trouble thinking of "G" words while writing a story about the letter "G," so Maria reminds him of the letter "G" sound.
Max the Magician
3. Max the Magician
August 18, 2008
While Rosita, Big Bird and Elmo are eating snacks with Chris, Max the Magician magically appears on Sesame Street with some tricks up his sleeve.
Number 6 Games
2. Number 6 Games
September 1, 2008
It's Number 6 Day on Sesame Street: a day devoted to the number 6 with games and songs all about the number 6.
Elmo and Zoe's Hat Contest
1. Elmo and Zoe's Hat Contest
August 22, 2008
Elmo and Zoe decide to face off against each other as part of Sesame Street's "Who Can Wear the Most Hats on Their Head Day."
  • Premiere Date
    August 22, 2008