Crash Dive Tyrone Power

Watch Crash Dive Tyrone Power

  • 1943
  • 1 hr 45 min

Crash Dive is a World War II movie that tells the story of Commander Johnny "Duke" Gifford (Tyrone Power) and his crew aboard the USS Thunderfish, a submarine assigned to a dangerous mission in the Pacific. The movie was released in 1943 and directed by Archie Mayo, featuring a top-notch cast that includes Anne Baxter, Dana Andrews, and James Gleason.

The film opens with the Thunderfish leaving Pearl Harbor, headed for the Japanese-occupied Philippines. Gifford is an experienced officer and a skilled submariner, but he is also a troubled man, haunted by his past and struggling to maintain his leadership in the face of impossible odds. His crew consists of a diverse group of men, each with their own personality and quirks. Among them is Lieutenant Peter Moran (Dana Andrews), the executive officer who clashes with Gifford over his orders, and Ensign Mickey Donohue (Harry Morgan), the enthusiastic young officer who looks up to Gifford as a father figure.

As the Thunderfish navigates through the treacherous waters of the Pacific, the crew faces a series of challenges that put their skills and courage to the test. They are hunted by Japanese destroyers, attacked by enemy aircraft, and forced to dive to dangerous depths to evade detection. Along the way, they also encounter a group of American survivors who have been stranded on a deserted island, and Gifford must decide whether to risk his mission to rescue them.

The heart of the movie is the relationship between Gifford and Moran, who have very different approaches to leadership. Gifford is a stern, no-nonsense commander who demands obedience and adherence to orders, while Moran is more relaxed and informal, earning the loyalty of his men with his easygoing manner. The tension between the two officers creates a sense of conflict that drives the story forward, as they both struggle to do what they think is best for their crew and their country.

The performances of the actors are outstanding, particularly Tyrone Power as Gifford. He brings a depth and complexity to the character, portraying a man who is torn between duty and personal demons. Anne Baxter is equally impressive as Lieutenant Cathcart, a navy nurse who catches Gifford's eye and becomes an integral part of the crew. The chemistry between the two leads is palpable, and their scenes together add a touch of romance to the otherwise intense plot.

The action sequences in Crash Dive are also well-executed, with the underwater scenes being particularly impressive. The tension builds as the Thunderfish is pursued by enemy ships, and the crew must use all their skills to evade detection and launch a surprise attack. The special effects are not as sophisticated as what we see in modern movies, but they are effective in conveying the danger and excitement of submarine warfare.

Overall, Crash Dive is a thrilling and engaging war movie that showcases the talents of its cast and crew. It offers a realistic portrayal of the challenges and dangers faced by submariners in World War II, while also exploring the personal struggles and relationships that exist within military units. The film remains a classic of its genre and is definitely worth watching for fans of war movies and classic cinema.

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  • Release Date
  • Runtime
    1 hr 45 min