Azure SQL: Relational Database-as-a-Service

Watch Azure SQL: Relational Database-as-a-Service

  • 2015
  • 1 Season

Azure SQL: Relational Database-as-a-Service from Wiley is a show that explores the features and benefits of Azure SQL while explaining how it helps organizations get the most out of their data. The show is presented by several experts in the field who use their expertise to help individuals understand the features of Azure SQL and how to utilize it to benefit their organization.

The show is structured to help viewers understand all aspects of Azure SQL, from the beginning fundamentals to advanced features. The presenters clearly explain how to navigate the system, how to set up databases, and how to access and manage data. They discuss what makes Azure SQL unique and how it differs from other database management systems.

One of the main benefits of Azure SQL is that it is a fully managed service, which means that it handles all of the required maintenance and updates automatically, allowing users to focus on their application development without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. The presenters explain how the system functions and how it can be used to create powerful databases without the need for extensive IT resources.

In the first few episodes, the presenters discuss the basics of Azure SQL, and they outline how to set up and manage databases. They cover security and explain how to manage identities and access to data. They also discuss compliance and how to ensure that your data is protected and meets all regulatory requirements.

Viewers can expect to learn about several advanced features of Azure SQL, including how to optimize queries and gain insights from data using features like SQL Analytics. The presenters explain how to improve performance by indexing tables and views and how to implement data compression to reduce storage costs.

Azure SQL is an open platform that can be integrated with various other Microsoft services, such as Power BI and Azure Machine Learning. The presenters discuss how these integrations work and how they can enhance the functionality of Azure SQL.

In later episodes of the show, the presenters dive deeper into specific industry use cases, such as healthcare and retail, and how Azure SQL can be used to manage, analyze, and derive insights from complex sets of data. They cover topics such as data warehousing, data lakes, and how to use the system to monitor and troubleshoot performance issues.

The show is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in learning about Azure SQL or looking to expand their knowledge of database management systems. It is presented in a clear and concise manner, and the information is relevant and informative. Even those with little to no experience with database management systems can follow along and gain a strong understanding of the topic.

In conclusion, Azure SQL: Relational Database-as-a-Service from Wiley is an informative and engaging show that provides a comprehensive overview of Azure SQL and its many features. The presenters offer insights and expertise that are applicable in a variety of industries and provide valuable information to both beginners and advanced users alike. If you are interested in learning about Azure SQL, this show is definitely worth checking out.

Azure SQL: Relational Database-as-a-Service
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Deploying Applications
21. Deploying Applications
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel go over deploying applications to Azure. They begin by showing you how to deploy a fully functional web app from start to finish, all while using the Azure Marketplace, prebuilt application profiles (specifically mojoPortal). They also show you how you can develop your own app by using Visual Studio Community edition and connecting to Azure with your in-house apps.
Database Auditing
20. Database Auditing
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel explain server and database auditing when using Azure SQL. First they go over how to enable server level auditing, taking you step-by-step through the Azure web portal. Next they show you how to enable auditing at the database level which can have certain advantages over auditing the server. They also explore the threat detection system to secure your Azure SQL.
Permissions and Schemas
19. Permissions and Schemas
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel dive into database permissions and schemas. They start by discussing database permissions and how they can be set on database objects like tables which will allow you to have very fine control over who can access that table. This leads them into describing setting permissions on users vs. groups/roles and when you would do one over the other.
Users and Roles
18. Users and Roles
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel explain the different user account and roles implemented in Azure SQL. They being by opening the Azure Web Portal and setting up a server management administrator and describing all the possible roles available which grants permissions. Then they look at creating regular database users by using T-SQL with the SQL Management Studio and configure the default database.
Controlling Network Access
17. Controlling Network Access
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel take a look at securing your Azure SQL database by controlling access through the network. First they show you how to configure the server level firewall through the Azure web portal as well as with PowerShell. They also cover securing multiple databases that share a server by creating rules with Transact SQL.
Self-Service Restore
16. Self-Service Restore
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel explain how to recover data from a backup in case of an accidental deletion or corruption of data by implementing a self-service restore. They explain how Azure SQL takes backups and replicates data and then move into performing a restore from the Azure SQL portal as well as by using the PowerShell.
Geographical Redundancy
15. Geographical Redundancy
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel dive into availability and recovery features provided by Azure SQL, here specifically looking at Geographical Redundancy. They start off by describing what geo-redundancy is and they two different types of geo-replication (Standard and Active) that's available in Azure SQL. Then they show you how to implement both types and even how to perform a failover test.
Scaling Up/Down
14. Scaling Up/Down
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Daniel and Don explain the concept and practice of scaling a Azure SQL database. Here they are going to show you how to scale your databases up or down, which can save costs, depending on your need. They also talk about scaling automation, which can help you scale your environment up and/or down at times when you know performance needs are going to change.
Monitoring Azure SQL
13. Monitoring Azure SQL
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel show you how to keep a watchful eye on your Azure SQL deployment by utilizing monitoring services. They start by exploring the Database Health check and looking at database events in the Azure SQL portal. They then show you how to monitor your database size and setup alerts to warn you when an action needs to be taken. Lastly, they demonstrate Dynamic Management.
Database Maintenance
12. Database Maintenance
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel talk about database maintenance tasks in Azure SQL. They begin with the demarcation of duties; what tasks are being handled by Microsoft(backups, replication, consistency checks) and what tasks are handled by the customer(index creation/maintenance, data partitioning, and statistics). Finally they take a close look at database statistics.
Implementing Indexes
10. Implementing Indexes
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel describe and demonstrate how you can optimize your SQL databases by implementing indexes. They start off by explaining what an index is, the two main types of indexes (clustered and non-clustered) and how it can benefit your database. They also explain when NOT to use indexes.
Exporting Data
9. Exporting Data
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel take a look at exporting data from your Azure SQL database. First they talk about when you might need to export an entire database and then walk you through the methods to that end. Then they discuss how you might export pieces of data like tables from your database. They show you a few formats that you might export the data as such as XML and CSV.
Azure Automation
8. Azure Automation
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel explore automation of tasks in Azure SQL. They start by explaining how to enable automation beginning with the SQL Server Agent. Then they jump into Azure and create an Automation Account which will be needed to create automated tasks for SQL. Here they introduce you to Runbooks which works inside of PowerShell to create the scripts for automation.
Tables and Data
7. Tables and Data
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Daniel and Don show you how to create Tables and input data into an Azure SQL database. First they demonstrate creating tables in SQL and dive into some of the information that will be necessary for proper table creation and functionality. Then they show you how to create data to populate the tables as well as queries to retrieve data.
Migrating Databases to Azure
6. Migrating Databases to Azure
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Daniel and Don walk you through a few different ways in which you can migrate your on-premise database into Azure SQL. They start by showing you how to perform a scripted import using T-SQL from within Visual Studio. Then they demonstrate a migration using the SQL Management Studio Azure Deployment Wizard. Finally they perform a migration using BACPACs and monitor progress.
Using Elastic Pools
5. Using Elastic Pools
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Daniel and Don explain the concept and implementation of Azure SQL Elastic Pools. They begin by defining what an Elastic Pool is and how/why they might benefit your environment. Then they show you how to create an Elastic Pool, all the while informing your setup choices as to get the best bang for your buck.
Connecting Your Client
4. Connecting Your Client
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Don and Daniel detail ways in which you can connect your Azure SQL database to a SQL client/manager. First they start with connecting Azure SQL to Microsoft's Visual Studio. Then they show you how to download, install, and configure Microsoft's SQL Management Studio.
Creating Your First Database
3. Creating Your First Database
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Daniel and Don walk you through creating databases using Microsoft Azure SQL. They begin with creating a simple, blank database; taking you step-by-step from start to finish. Then they explore some ways of importing an already existing database into Azure SQL.
Introduction to Azure SQL
2. Introduction to Azure SQL
January 1, 2016
In this episode, Daniel and Don explore and explain some of the foundational concepts and workings of Azure SQL. They start by defining why you might decide to implement a hosted database in Azure SQL vs an on-premise solution; detailing some of the benefits of moving to Azure SQL. Then they describe some of the more advanced benefits of using Azure SQL like using Resource Groups, Geo-Restore.
1. Overview
December 31, 2015
In this segment, Daniel and Don give a general overview of what you can expect in the upcoming episodes_4-18. They cover what the show's about, the target audience, what will be covered overall, and other topics.
  • Premiere Date
    December 31, 2015