Candice Tells All Season 2 Episode 3

Ep 3. Designing with Unique Art

  • July 16, 2011

Candice Tells All season 2 episode 3, titled Designing with Unique Art, is a masterclass in incorporating artwork into your home design. In this episode, interior designer Candice Olson shows how to use art to add personality and character to your living spaces.

The episode begins with Candice visiting a local art gallery. She emphasizes the importance of choosing art that speaks to you and reflects your personality. Candice also suggests looking for art that ties in with the color scheme and style of your home.

Next, Candice takes us into a client's home where she is tasked with transforming a bland living room into a space with personality. She chooses a large-scale painting with bold colors and an abstract design as the centerpiece of the room. The painting immediately adds interest and depth to the space, and Candice pulls out the colors from the painting to choose complementary fabrics for the furnishings.

In another home, Candice helps a couple who have a large collection of vintage posters they want to display. Candice chooses a vibrant color for the walls to make the posters pop, and also selects neutral furnishings and accessories to prevent the room from feeling too busy.

Throughout the episode, Candice shares tips for hanging and arranging artwork to create a cohesive and visually appealing look. She suggests grouping artwork together in odd numbers for the most impact, and also demonstrates how to mix different styles and sizes of artwork to create a dynamic display.

One of the standout segments of the episode is when Candice visits an artist's studio. The artist creates large-scale sculptures using found objects and recycled materials, and Candice is blown away by his creativity and talent. She decides to incorporate his work into a client's home by creating a gallery wall of smaller pieces that tie in with the larger sculpture in the room.

Candice also shows how to incorporate artwork into unexpected places, such as the bathroom. She installs a series of small, framed prints on the wall above the toilet, and also displays a collection of vintage perfume bottles on a ledge above the bathtub.

Overall, Designing with Unique Art is a must-watch episode for anyone looking to elevate their home decor with artwork. Candice shares her expertise in choosing, arranging, and displaying art to create a personalized and visually stunning space.

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  • First Aired
    July 16, 2011
  • Language