Dateline Season 26 Episode 10
Season 26

Ep 10. Finding Sarah Goode

  • November 24, 2017

In season 26, episode 10 of Dateline, titled Finding Sarah Goode, viewers are taken on an emotional journey as they follow the investigation into the disappearance of a Long Island mother of one. Sarah Goode, a 21-year-old medical technician and mother of a young daughter, goes missing after a night out with friends. Her disappearance sends shockwaves through the tight-knit community, leaving family and friends desperate for answers.

At the beginning of the episode, Dateline introduces viewers to Sarah, a hardworking and devoted mother who is loved by all who know her. As the investigation into her disappearance begins, detectives uncover surveillance footage of a car that matches the description of Sarah's vehicle driving on a remote road in Long Island. The car appears to be speeding, and a closer look reveals what appears to be blood on the side of the car.

As detectives begin to unravel the mystery surrounding Sarah's disappearance, they uncover a web of lies and deceit that threatens to derail their investigation. A former romantic partner of Sarah's soon comes under suspicion, as detectives learn about a tumultuous relationship that had ended just weeks before Sarah vanished. Friends and family members of the missing woman also begin coming forward and sharing their concerns about her ex-partner.

The investigation takes an unexpected turn when Sarah's car is discovered abandoned in a wooded area. Evidence found in and around the car starts painting a grim picture of what may have happened to the young mother. Detectives find a pair of bloody shoes and a piece of jewelry, both belonging to Sarah. DNA testing confirms that the blood on the car matches Sarah's DNA.

Throughout the episode, Dateline also highlights the tireless efforts of Sarah's family and friends as they conduct their own investigation in parallel to the official investigation. The community comes together to help search for Sarah and to raise awareness about her disappearance. Friends and family share their recollections of Sarah and their hopes for her safe return.

As the episode progresses, the investigation heads in a new direction. Detectives receive a tip that leads them to a suspect who they believe may have been involved in Sarah's disappearance. A series of interviews with the suspect and his associates reveals more information, leading detectives to a remote location where they make a shocking discovery.

In the end, Dateline delivers a riveting episode that takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions. While the story of Sarah's disappearance is a tragic one, the community's resilience and determination to find her are inspiring. As the episode unfolds, viewers are left wondering whether justice will be served for Sarah and her family. Finding Sarah Goode is a powerful reminder of the importance of community, family, and hope in times of crisis.

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  • First Aired
    November 24, 2017
  • Language