Freestyle Love Supreme

Watch Freestyle Love Supreme

  • 2014
  • 1 Season
  • 7.6  (29)

Freestyle Love Supreme is an invigorating and inventive television series aired on Pivot in 2014. This show is a boundary-pushing, multi-dimensional art piece that fuses elements of hip-hop, improvisational theater, music, and comedy into an exhilarating and unique performance. With an interactive and spontaneous format, the series keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, offering a fresh and unpredictable televisual journey in every episode.

At the heart of Freestyle Love Supreme is a talented troupe of performers who hail from diverse backgrounds in comedy, theater, and music. The ensemble features virtuosic and eclectic performers with the likes of celebrated artist Lin-Manuel Miranda, synonymous with the groundbreaking Broadway hits Hamilton and In the Heights.

The group coalesces around an unscripted, improvisational format, drawing from audience suggestions and real-time interaction to craft each episode's narrative. The performers' talent for generating quick-witted and tuneful rhymes brings their stories to life, creating an incomparable mix of humour and emotional resonance that sets the show apart from the pack.

Freestyle Love Supreme evokes the raw energy of live theater, with each episode recorded in front of a live audience. The dynamism and adrenalin of each performance translate effectively onto the screen, offering viewers the thrill of witnessing a spontaneous creation unfold moment by moment.

In addition to the ensemble's dazzling rap and improv skills, the series showcases an impressive array of musical styles. The members of the troupe seamlessly blend beatboxing, melody and rhythm with their improvisations, using their voices as versatile instruments to create a wildly entertaining spectacle. This marrying of rhythm, dialogue, and music often ends with the audience clapping along to catchy, improvised tunes contributed by the performers.

While the core of the show is rooted in humor, Freestyle Love Supreme doesn't shy away from addressing more profound and thought-provoking themes. Through their improvised scenes and songs, the troupe navigates diverse topics ranging from everyday struggles to social issues, from personal anxieties to current events.

The performances not only entertain but also invoke reflection and connection. The viewer is not just a passive observer; they become a part of the show, engaged and involved in the proceedings. This participatory nature enhances the overall viewing experience and commitment to the show's innovative concept.

Furthermore, Freestyle Love Supreme's visual aesthetic is as lively and unpredictable as its content. Fast-paced editing, vibrant graphics, and a kinetic camera style all contribute to the series' energetic atmosphere. The production is shot in various locations, including staged settings and outdoor environments, making each episode feel remarkably distinct.

Playful yet boundary-pushing, the show is less about winning or losing and more about creating an engaging, fast-paced hour of entertainment where the performers are pushed to their limits and the audience is kept involved.

Each episode of Freestyle Love Supreme is infused with a sense of camaraderie and collective joy. As the performers riff off each other's cues and ideas, the chemistry and connection among the ensemble are palpable, adding an extra layer of appeal to the show.

In conclusion, Freestyle Love Supreme is an exceptionally entertaining series that breaks conventional television paradigms by perfectly blending improv, hip-hop, and theater into a captivating package. Notably unscripted and instantly addictive, it mirrors the rush of live theater by showcasing performances raw and unplanned, making for an exciting watch.

Freestyle Love Supreme is a high-energy, multifaceted offering that demands viewers' attention and delivers, episode after episode, a gratifying, fresh, and innovative television experience. It provides a platform for incredibly talented performers to exhibit their exceptional improvisational abilities, elevating the art of spontaneous, improvisational theater to a new height and offering a fantastic feast of entertainment.

Freestyle Love Supreme is a series that ran for 1 seasons (10 episodes) between March 8, 2014 and on Pivot

Freestyle Love Supreme
Filter by Source

Do No Arm
10. Do No Arm
December 19, 2014
King Sherman makes a decision that will change his life forever. Did we say life? We meant arm.
Two Jacks Beat Queens
9. Two Jacks Beat Queens
December 12, 2014
Arthur the Geniuses has a solo gig in Queens. That's right, Queens. Who's coming? Anyone?
Jumping The Shock
8. Jumping The Shock
December 5, 2014
Shockwave goes to work and dominates every downtown city block. But who is that lurking around the corner?
You Better Work(Shop)
7. You Better Work(Shop)
November 28, 2014
FLS visits a high school to lead a freestyle workshop.
Grind Time
6. Grind Time
November 21, 2014
A day of chasing jobs around NYC wears out Cjack. He encounters an old friend who reminds him how far he still has to climb.
The Burbs
5. The Burbs
November 14, 2014
UTK and Lin head to the suburbs to babysit Bill's kids.
The Great Debate
4. The Great Debate
November 7, 2014
Two Touch recruits Lin to help make a video documenting the splendor that is Brooklyn.
You Can't Go Home. Stop Trying
3. You Can't Go Home. Stop Trying
October 31, 2014
UTK visits his old neighborhood to reconnect with his roots, but finds it oddly different.
Feed Me
2. Feed Me
October 17, 2014
When the crew makes a dinner plan, the restaurant Gods laugh.
1. Pilot
March 8, 2014
"Freestyle Love Supreme" brings TV viewers into New York City's famous Joe's Pub, to experience the much talked about live improvised show from two of the creators of the Tony award-winning musical, In The Heights.
Where to Watch Freestyle Love Supreme
Freestyle Love Supreme is available for streaming on the Pivot website, both individual episodes and full seasons. You can also watch Freestyle Love Supreme on demand at Amazon, Google Play and Apple TV.
  • Premiere Date
    March 8, 2014
  • IMDB Rating
    7.6  (29)