Ghost Adventures Season 11 Episode 4
Ghost Adventures
Season 11

Ep 4. Old Lincoln Country Hospital

  • September 12, 2015
  • 8.7  (94)

Zak Bagans and his team return for the eleventh season of Ghost Adventures, in an attempt to uncover the secrets of some of the most haunted locations across the United States. They look to use advanced paranormal investigation techniques to capture evidence of spirits, demons, and other paranormal entities.

In season 11, episode 4, titled "Old Lincoln County Hospital", Zak and his team travel to Ruidoso, New Mexico, where they investigate the abandoned Lincoln County Hospital. This former hospital has seen a lot of death, with many fatalities occurring during the Spanish Flu outbreak in 1918 – and as a result, it has become known as one of the most haunted locations in the state.

Zak and his team begin by exploring the extensive grounds surrounding the hospital, where they hope to capture some initial evidence of the paranormal. They soon discover that some of the most chilling activity appears to take place in the vicinity of the hospital's crematorium. Here, they pick up strange noises and anomalous energy readings, which they believe could be linked to the spirits of those who passed away in the hospital.

As they move inside the hospital itself, Zak and his team start to uncover more and more evidence of paranormal activity. They explore the hospital's old operating room, where they discover that some of the medical equipment appears to have been moved by an unseen force. Meanwhile, in one of the old patient rooms, they capture an eerie EVP (electronic voice phenomenon) which seems to suggest that a spirit is communicating with them directly.

However, the most compelling evidence that the team discovers comes in the form of a series of shadow figures that they capture on camera. These mysterious shadows appear to be moving around the hospital, and Zak and his team believe that they could be the spirits of former patients or staff members who still haunt the building to this day.

Throughout the investigation, Zak and his team are forced to confront some of the most frightening and unsettling experiences they have ever encountered. However, they never waver in their commitment to uncovering the truth about the hospital's haunting – and by the end of the episode, they may just have succeeded in shedding some light on this dark and haunted place.

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  • First Aired
    September 12, 2015
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.7  (94)