Holmes Inspection Season 3 Episode 2

Ep 2. Backyard Blues

  • July 17, 2011

In season 3 episode 2 of Holmes Inspection, entitled "Backyard Blues," viewers follow the renovation of a suburban home with a serious mold problem. The family who owns the house has noticed that their children are constantly sick and develop respiratory issues whenever they spend time in the basement. After calling in an inspector, it was revealed that the basement was infested with mold.

Mike Holmes and his team take on the challenge of fully renovating the basement and removing all traces of mold. However, while working on the basement, they find that the problem goes deeper than just the mold. The walls are not insulated properly, and the air ducts are clogged with debris. The Holmes team decides to take on the entire house, refurbishing both the exterior and interior.

In addition to the mold issue, the house has several other problems, such as an old leaky roof, improper electrical wiring, and faulty plumbing. The family has been living in the house for the past ten years and had no idea how unsafe their living conditions were. Mike Holmes and his team work tirelessly to make sure the family's home is safe and secure.

The team starts by removing the old roof and replacing it with a new one. They then address the electrical problems by updating the entire electrical system. After that, they move on to the plumbing, repairing and replacing where necessary. Finally, they start work on the exterior of the house, rebuilding the porch, installing new windows, and painting the exterior.

Throughout the episode, Holmes works closely with the family to ensure that their needs are met. The family anxiously watches as their beloved home is torn apart, but they know that it's for the best. Holmes takes the time to explain everything he's doing, so they understand what's wrong with their home and what they need to do to make it safe.

One of the highlights of the episode is the work done on the backyard. The family had always wanted a beautiful outdoor space, but never had the resources to make it happen. The Holmes team creates a stunning stone patio with an outdoor kitchen and a fire pit. They also put in a beautiful garden, adding to the overall aesthetic of the space.

Throughout the episode, viewers see how much work goes into renovating a home. It's not just a matter of fixing one problem and moving on. Instead, it's a comprehensive process of identifying all the issues and fixing them one by one, ensuring that the family has a safe and secure home.

In the end, the family is thrilled with the results. They have a beautiful new backyard, a safe and beautiful home, and the peace of mind knowing that their children are no longer breathing in harmful mold spores. It's a heartwarming episode that reminds viewers of the importance of home safety and the value of hard work.

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  • First Aired
    July 17, 2011
  • Language