Hot Bench Season 5 Episode 53
Hot Bench
Season 5

Ep 53. Suing out of Custody Spite?!

  • November 8, 2018

In this episode of Hot Bench, season 5 episode 53, titled "Suing out of Custody Spite?!", Judge Tanya Acker, Judge Patricia DiMango, and Judge Michael Corriero preside over two unique cases.

In the first case, a man claims that his ex-girlfriend falsely accused him of kidnapping their child and now he wants to sue her for defamation. The man argues that the false accusation not only ruined his reputation but also cost him a significant amount of money in lawyers' fees and lost work time. The ex-girlfriend, on the other hand, argues that she had good reason to believe that the man had abducted their child and that she was simply trying to protect their child. The judges must determine whether the accusation was indeed false and if the man is entitled to compensation.

In the second case, a man sues his ex-wife and her new husband for withholding his child from him. The man claims that his ex-wife and her new husband are using their temporary custody as a way to get back at him for leaving the relationship. The ex-wife and her husband argue that they have legitimate concerns about the child's safety and that the man has not been acting in the best interests of the child. The judges must determine whether the ex-wife and her new husband are withholding the child out of spite or out of genuine concern for the child's well-being.

Throughout the episode, the judges hear testimony from both sides and ask tough questions to get to the bottom of each case. As always, Judge Acker, Judge DiMango, and Judge Corriero bring their unique perspectives and legal expertise to the table, providing valuable insight into each case. Will justice be served in both cases? Tune in to find out.

Overall, Hot Bench season 5 episode 53 offers an intriguing look into two cases involving custody and defamation. The episode explores complex legal issues and provides viewers with an inside look at the judicial process. Fans of legal dramas and reality shows alike are sure to enjoy this latest installment of Hot Bench.

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  • First Aired
    November 8, 2018
  • Language