Income Property Season 6 Episode 2
Income Property
Season 6

Ep 2. Carol

  • May 9, 2012

Income Property is a Canadian home renovation show that has been running since 2008. The show is hosted by real estate investor, Scott McGillivray, who helps homeowners renovate parts of their homes in order to create a separate, rentable unit. The goal of these renovations is to create additional income for the homeowners, who can use the extra funds to support themselves and their families.

In season 6, episode 2 of Income Property, McGillivray meets with a woman named Carol, who is looking to create a rental unit in the basement of her home. Carol is a single mom who has recently returned to school in order to complete her degree. She wants to rent out the basement in order to generate income and help cover the cost of her tuition.

McGillivray begins the episode by assessing Carol's basement. The space is currently unfinished, with bare concrete walls and floors. McGillivray notes that the lack of a proper foundation could present some challenges, but he is confident that with the right renovations, he can turn the space into a livable rental unit.

The first step in the renovation process is waterproofing the basement. McGillivray recommends that Carol install a foundation drain and a sump pump, which will help protect the space from water damage. He then begins framing out the space, creating separate rooms for the bedroom, living area, and kitchen.

One of the biggest challenges in the renovation is creating a separate entrance to the rental unit. McGillivray and his team work with Carol to create a new entrance off the side of the house. They build a deck and install stairs leading down to the basement. This new entrance will provide privacy for both Carol and her tenants, as they will be able to come and go without disturbing each other.

To maximize the space in the rental unit, McGillivray installs several space-saving features. He creates a custom Murphy bed in the living area, which can be easily tucked away when not in use. He also installs a fold-down table in the kitchen, which can be used for dining and food preparation, then stored away when not needed.

Throughout the renovation process, McGillivray works closely with Carol to make sure that the space meets her needs as well as those of potential tenants. They choose finishes and fixtures that are both practical and stylish, creating a space that feels modern and comfortable.

At the end of the episode, McGillivray reveals the finished rental unit to Carol. She is thrilled with the space and excited to begin renting it out. McGillivray estimates that the new rental will generate an additional $1,200 per month for Carol, which will make a significant difference in her ability to support herself and her family.

Overall, season 6, episode 2 of Income Property is a compelling look at how home renovations can be used to generate income and improve quality of life. Carol's story is a testament to the power of smart, strategic renovation, and McGillivray's expertise and professionalism make him an engaging host and guide. Whether you're a homeowner looking to create a rental unit or just a fan of home renovation shows, Income Property is definitely worth a watch.

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  • First Aired
    May 9, 2012
  • Language