Monsters and Mysteries in America Season 4 Episode 2

Ep 2. Crop Circles

  • July 7, 2016

Monsters and Mysteries in America season 4 returns with yet another exciting episode named Crop Circles. Crop circles have been a topic of debate and intrigue among several people and the enigma behind these unknown circles of flattened crops has never ceased. In this episode, Monsters and Mysteries in America sets out on a quest to uncover the truth behind these mysterious patterns.

As the episode begins, the host introduces us to the landscape that we are about to explore. We are taken to an aerial view of several fields with very perplexing patterns. Crop circles have been a subject for many conspiracy theories, and many believe that they are messages from extraterrestrial beings. However, in this episode, Monsters and Mysteries in America goes beyond these theories to dig deep into the facts and delve into the stories surrounding these mysterious circles.

The episode brings in several eyewitness accounts of those who have witnessed the appearance of crop circles. They describe the patterns as intricate, beautiful, and very intriguing. While some believe these patterns are just nature's unpredictable ways, others have their theories as to what causes these patterns. In the episode, we get to hear from people who have come across crop circles and how they felt around the formations.

The show unravels various scientific theories that offer an explanation for crop circles, each with a different approach. The first theory suggests that crop circles could be caused by inter-dimensional beings. The hypothesis is that the circles are created by energy that comes from a different dimension. The second theory is that crop circles are a result of plasma discharge. The idea is that lightning creates a plasma that affects the crops and forms the pattern. The third and most talked-about theory is that crop circles are the result of human intervention, with artists or other character types creating these works of art.

Monsters and Mysteries in America highlights that the study of crop circles has sparked debates within scientific communities worldwide. With the spread of awareness and access to technology, amateur enthusiasts and researchers have gathered a variety of data about crop patterns. The show brings us through the journey of several crop circle researchers who have gone to extraordinary lengths to research these fascinating enigmas. From DNA samples of crops from different fields to investigating electromagnetic fields, the show displays how researchers are determined to uncover the mysteries behind these unique patterns.

The documentary also brings forth the religious and mystique beliefs related to crop circles. Some believe that crop circles hold spiritual or symbolic meaning that connects us to something greater. Several ancient cultures have reported seeing these patterns in their lands and believe that crop circles are connected to the spiritual world. The show brings stories of people learning to meditate near crop fields to feel the energy radiating from these patterns.

Towards the end of the episode, Monsters and Mysteries in America explores the impact crop circles have on society. With increased media coverage and theories spreading across the world, it is fascinating to see how the world has received and responded to these patterns. The show discusses how these patterns have captivated the science and art worlds, and how they hold importance in pop culture.

Crop Circles offers a fascinating journey into the mystery surrounding these suspected alien messages. It breaks down the theories surrounding crop circle creation and explores different perspectives on these patterns. It is an episode filled with intriguing stories and unique facts, demonstrating that beyond the crop field, more than meets the eye.

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  • First Aired
    July 7, 2016
  • Language